"Over My Dead Body, Bastard!"

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"Make her talk." Although Kerry was appalled by his King's orders, her took the stick, and walked towards Sam.

"No! Ryan! You promised! You swore on your life!" Gavin yelled, blocking Kerry's way to her. The wind blew through the open doors, making Gavin's green scarf flutter around him. Michael looked at the other boy and stood next to him. Ryan was taken aback, but then gave a low chuckle.

"Gavin. I said I wouldn't hurt her with my own two hands. And I'm not. It's Kerry's hands that are doing the job."

"Sorry, guys," Kerry apologized, pushing the two boys away. He raised the stick slightly, then swung. The first blow stung, hitting her in the stomach, and causing her to bend over. Ryan winced, and looked around quickly to see if anyone had noticed. He didn't want anyone to see how much her pain damaged him. Luckily, everyone was focused on Kerry and Sam. To cover it up, he gave a bitter laugh, and ordered Kerry to swing again. And again. And again. Every time the piece of oak struck her, he winced. As the latest blow struck her, the King ordered Kerry to stop.

"Will you talk now?" he asked. Sam looked up, and straight into Ryan's blue eyes.

"Over my dead body, bastard," she scoffed. Ryan's eyes narrowed and he motioned for Kerry to continue.

"That could be arranged," he said, thinking of the strange regeneration power that existed in this world. Kerry continued to damage Sam, each blow worse than the last. She was almost to the point of death, when Ryan told Kerry to stop again.

"Are you going to talk now?" he asked. Sam looked up, blood dripping down slowly from her face wounds. She was out of breath, and she struggled to keep her eyes open. Michael stood tall to hide his hurt. Gavin, on the other hand, stood behind Michael, his chin on the older boy's shoulder. He freely showed the pain her felt for Sam. The girl sighed and coughed up a bit of blood. She looked down, and seemed to be defeated. Then she lifted her head and smirked.

"F-fuck...you," she said before collapsing on the ground.

"SAM!!" Gavin yelled, running towards her. She wasn't dead, but she was close to it. Ryan faked a bitter, bone-chilling cackle.

"Get her out of my sight! I hope she learned her lesson." And with that, Gavin and Michael carried her to Gavin's house, since it was the biggest one that was empty. As they layed her down on Gav's bed, Michael ran to get help. The blonde boy sat next to her, brushing the hair out of her face.

"I'm so sorry, Sam. I was a complete mong. I should have been more careful to keep you hidden from Ryan. I-I'm sorry," he whispered, the tears dangerously teetering on the edge of his eyes. "You're so beautiful. Such beauty does not deserved to be damaged. It doesn't deserve such pain. It should be treated with love and respect. You should be treated like a queen. I would treat you like a queen. I wish you were my queen," he said, placing his lips on her forehead. Suddenly, he heard his door open and quickly moved back. Michael appeared through the painted canvas with a dark-haired boy. He was younger than both of them and had glasses, like Michael. His black cloak was wrapped around him, but blew behind him as he walked in. When he saw Sam, his dark brown eyes filled with worry.

"Can you help her, Ray?" Gavin asked. Ray looked her over and shook his head.

"I can't heal her. The injuries are too bad. But, I can give her something to make her go quickly," he said. He opened his cloak to reveal a black tux, red tie, and a small brown bag. He pulled a thin vial of green liquid out of it. "Do you want to give it to her or should I?" Ray asked the two boys. Both of them shook their heads, and Ray proceeded to feed her the liquid. Sam coughed a bit, then her breathing slowed, and finally stopped. She disappeared for a second, then faded back into view. The blood was gone, but she did have a scar on her left eyebrow and her right cheek. Her eyes slowly blinked open, and she noticed the two boys. She smiled and spoke in a raspy voice.

"What's up, boys?"

"Thank god! I was terrified!" he said, followed by a few bird noises. Sam gave a low chuckle.

"You should be! I died! Your king killed me!" she yelled, but she was smiling. She looked up at Gavin, meeting his green eyes with her brown ones.

"I would ask you if you're okay, but your eyes say everything," he said, fondly.

"Well, we should go," Michael said, pushing Ray out the door, "and Sam?"


"I'm glad you're okay," he said with a smile and walked out of the cobblestone house. With a smile, Sam looked over at Gavin. He sat on the bed next to her and smiled. His eyes were glowing with something...something for this girl. Suddenly, she looked down and giggled, bringing a smile to Gavin's face.

"Why are you staring at me?" she asked laughing. Gavin chuckled and smiled.

"Just. You know what? Let's take a sleep." he said, slipping in next to her. She was cautious at first, but then she relaxed. Closing her eyes, she inched closer to the Brit. As soon as she placed her head on his chest, he wrapped her arms around her. And together, they feel into a deep, lovely sleep.

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