"They're Quite Painful."

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"Are you ready to go?" Ryan asked, seeing Sam walk out the castle doors. Her gold boots clanked against the nether brick with every step, and her gold helmet shine under the bright sun. She looked up towards the man, and he couldn't help but smile. He was still amazed by the warrior's sheer beauty. Suddenly, Sam's face lit up and she ran towards him. Ryan smiles an opened his arms slightly, awaiting her embrace. But it never came.

"Gavin! Michael!" she yelled, running to the two boys behind him. Feeling a pang of jealousy, the King snarled, and turned on his heel.

"Let's go!" he yelled.

On the path to Sam's old cottage, Ryan could hear the trio's giggles. Whatever they were talking about, they seemed to be having fun. He had invited Gavin and Michael in hopes that they would keep Sam more comfortable. But now, the two boys had taken her away from him.

"Shut your face," Gavin said, laughing at raging Michael.

"You shut the fucking face!" he yelled back, and Sam giggled as he said, "Your face is stupid!"

"All of you are idiots." she giggled and gently shoved them. She glanced at Ryan, and saw his fists clenched. He was walking almost mechanically, and it unnerved her. "Hold on, boys. I'll be right back." and she looked around to find what she was looking for. There! She ran to grab it, and ran up to the front with the King. With a tap of his shoulder, Sam held it in her hand. Ryan turned and looked down.

"What's this?"

"It's for you," and she handed it to him, "watch out for the thorns. They're quite painful."

"A-a rose? For me?" and she smiled and nodded. "w-why?" he asked as he leaned in to smell the petals. And it reminded him of her, the warrior. She gave a small chuckle, and he sighed and turned to give her a hug. "Thank you," and he pulled away to look her in the eyes, "very much." And he leaned in to kiss her cheek. She smiled as blushed and turned away. Together they walked in silence for a while. They were much too immersed in their thoughts to notice Michael and Gavin.

"Still in love with her?" Michael asked, but with a sigh, Gavin shook his head.

"No, I don't think I ever was. But it is no matter. I have fallen for another...and for quite some time too." the Brit said, turning his head towards Michael's. And smiled nervously.

"And who might that be?"

"A person."

"Obviously. But who?"


"It can't be just someone."

"No. No, he's not just someone. He's special. And I've loved him ever since I laid eyes on him."

"Oh, is that so? Is he a warrior?"

"Yes, he is. And he is quick to anger. And he has hair as orange as flames." Gavin's hand inched closer to the ginger's. Michael sighed and looked at the floor. Then he felt the Brit's warm hand, and every inch of him tingled in happiness. "Micool, look at me." And Michael turned to stare into green eyes. "Micool?"

"Yea, Gav?" the older boy answered.

"I-I love you, Micool. With all my heart." And Gavin saw the brown eyes soften and glisten. Michael squeezed his hand and smiled, showing off his deep dimples.

"I love you too, you fucking idiot." And he smiled as his heart fluttered and Gavin's soared. They walked for a couple of minutes, unil Michael paused. "Wait, come here." And He pulled Gavin into him.

"Micool? What's wr-" but he was cut off by Michael's lips on his. Gavin's mouth twitched, and he closed his eyes in relief. And they fell deeper into the kiss and into oblivious bliss.

"Um, boys?" a deep voice asked with a hint of humour. The two boys separated and turned to find Sam giggling and Ryan chuckling softly. The Brit and the Jersey boy blushed, looked at each other, and burst out laughing.

"So...we've got news." Michael said between giggles. And soon, everyone was red with laughter, even Ryan. When they calmed down and continued to walk, the smiles on their faces made the forest just a little bit brighter.

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