Chapter 1

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Once upon a time when dragons roamed the skies and knights swore to protect the land, a little girl named Ariana was born into the hunter's family. Since she was their only child she had to learn the hunter's way.

Chapter 1

Today I finally go on my first hunt! I've been waiting to go since I was 3. Finally when I turned 13 he brought me on my very first hunt. "Ariana hurry up if we don't leave now then we won't catch deer for dinner." My farther said. "I'm coming dad be patient I just have to put my hunting gear on"I said. I looked inside the mirror and took one last look to make sure I was ready. My brown hair was tied up inside a ponytail it was a brown color like the color of a brown bear I was wearing a leather like dress but it was loose so I could move. It was brown color so I could blend in more, but it suited me well with my pale skin and brown hair.

My eyes were an unusual color and weird look; a green moon. My parents always told me it was nothing but it has to be something because both their eyes are brown why would mine be a green moon?

Well wondering wasn't going to catch a deer so I just went to my farther that was impatiently waiting by the door. "What took you so long I told you to be ready at 5 AM" my farther said well he opened up the door. I giggled and said "Its 4:50 I still have ten minutes." He looked at me and then at the clock and said something I think it was a prayer that I wouldn't die, so I ignored it and went on with my life, I mean if he thinks I'm goanna die then maybe he should trust me more.

When I stepped out of the door I felt a new kind of felling the feeling of being a huntress. I felt chills go throughout my body slowly waking me up. I looked at my soundings and heard a bear in the distance. I could smell the bear which was very odd because usually people can't smell that far away. I guessed he was about a mile away. I thought about asking my dad about it but I decided not to because it would scare off the kill, and my father would be very mad.

I heard a leaf break behind me and, I pulled out my bow the second I heard it. When I looked I saw it was my mother wearing her usual clothes; a dress that goes down to her knees that is red like the blood that comes out of the kills, and a little fake rose in the pocket that was yellow which reminded her of sympathy because that's what it means. Her sister gave it to her when she found out there father died.

She looked at me with hopeful eyes probably that I wouldn't die. I wished they would trust that I wouldn't die, but I could tell that they were worried about something else to. I put my weapon down and said "Don't scare me like that I could have shot you!" She looked at me with what seems to be sorry eyes so I forgave her and she could tell so she said "I'm sorry but I need to give you this." I looked at what she was holding it was a white box with a weird ingravement it was swirly, and blue. I took it in my hands and looked at it for a minute then I opened it. It had a wonderful necklace; it was a wolf, I could tell it was handmade and took some time in the making. Its eyes were like mine a green moon. I looked at my mom with wonderment in them and a dash of questing and said "Thank you." Then she walked away and I went on with the hunt. My father hopefully found something to kill or else he would wonder why I took so long. On my walk there I put on the necklace. It seemed to trigger something but I didn't know want. I pushed that away and went on to my father. I found him with his eye on a rabbit. He waited until what seemed to be the last second and shot. He got it right in the eye just the way he taught me. He heard me coming up and pointed his weapon at me, I knew he would, just like I did to mom so I ducked just in case.

He didn't shoot but he looked at me right in the eyes and I could see anger about to burst, but then he looked down at my necklace and seemed to wander off? It was gone before I could say if it was true or false and he simply said "Next time remember to do the call before you come."

At that moment I just said "Sorry I forgot." Well luckily he didn't burst into flames right then and there, because that would scare away all kills within 4 miles at least! So I just went on with life and pushed that away and focused on the task at hand; hunting. Immediately I got into hunting mode and pulled out my bow and got my arrow ready. I heard a leaf break behind me and turned around and looked at what was there.

It was a bear. A big brown bear, he had to be at least twice my height which is at least 7ft which is huge. I called my father as I shot him right in the eye. My father yelled "RUN TO A TREE AND CLIMB IT!" The bear growled at the shot in his eye and I swear his eyes turned blood red. I ran for life faster than ever. I was amazed because I seemed to feel furry and I was going faster and faster and finally I felt my bones break I yelped with pain. As they broke my body shifted into a wolf. My ribs broke and moved. My skull got smaller and grew a snout, and I grew a tail at the end and I finally landed on all fours.

At least I thought they broke but they...they rebuilt? My body seemed light and keen. When I looked down I was on all fours and I was furry and had.... PAWS! What happened?

Right now wasn't the time to worry about whatever this was. So I ran. I guessed I was very fast because when I looked behind me I couldn't see the bear. I kept going because I could hear him and smell him so I climbed up a tree and waited there.

After about 20 minutes I heard the bear give up and go back. Now I could inspect this transformation? So I looked at what I was. I was a wolf. I was white with blue swirly lines and I had black on my paws and on the tips of my ears and my tail.I also had a weird mark on my belly that looked like some type of letters in a foreign language. I looked amazing. I wanted to be me again though.

I heard my dad calling me which brought me back to my senses and I jumped out of the tree and ran to him. I felt like crying because I was worried that I could never change back but I pushed that aside and just ran.

When I finally got to my dad he was battle ready probably for the bear. He saw me and seemed to know it was me. I was filled with anger because I thought it through and he must of known about this. Then I realized the necklace my mother gave me was still on me. I wondered why? It was weird because everything else was gone but my necklace. I pushed that away because I had bigger things to worry about.


Please give me feed back this is my VERY first book and I'm kinda shy to show you guys so please tell me how you like it and what I should change ect. Also if there is any spelling errors tell me and I can fix them next time I get a chance. :) Thanks for reading!


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