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Hello fellow bitch, welcome.(Don't take offense to that, or I will poke your butthole....with my middle finger. )

JK I wouldn't do that.... Psh.... Ha...ha...

To start off my new rant book I'll begin with the assholes I've had to encounter.In my short span of bitch life I've lived.

Now I know people have problems with others when they step on your Jordans and get them dirty, but do y'all seriously have to go all sharkiesha on me? I mean it was totally not my fault I accidentally kinda stepped on you with my shoe all muddy when I had been walking to school and stepped in a huge puddle of mud water. (That could of totally been avoided. BTW.) But then go like "Oh shiet,oh well,my Converse are already dirty might as well get my mom a reason to buy me new ones." Cause um it sure was not on purpose I got them dirty..... Ahahaha...ha...ha....*Whistling*

But of course it they were my brand new vans or Converse I will actually
punch you in the eye, not both eyes but one, because it's a minor stupid thing. (I most likely won't but I will give you an ear full of anus)and YES an anus can have an ear. Just saying ....


The other assholes of the world are... drumroll please!.....



These mother effers at school just make me mad. (Don't judge my use of unusual language.)

One day my science teacher was telling us to name parasites and I named this parasite that's in the ocean and it latches on to the fish. Then some girl yelled black spots on a cow and the teacher COMPLETELY IGNORED ME. Why????Why the duck would you ignore someone like me? I mean really, just look at me bruhhhh. I am a beautiful potato.

AND BESIDES, I GAVE A BETTER ANSWER THAN THAT OTHER DUMBASS! That Lil shit was kinda being racist too, like whaaaat? Cows aren't white, they are clearly black with a white sweater that has holes. Duh.

Oh and I have a friend who I had to convince that the 1700's was 300 years ago and not 3 thousand but I'm not being mean to her I'm just.... laughing at her.

There are also assholes in real life like the buttholes that cut you off, or the ones at walmart who are just... no.

I had to encounter one of these bitches at Walmart once, in Oklahoma.

I was walking through an aisle with a lady standing somewhat in the middle and I said 'excuse me' but did this woman/older than dirt organism move or take a step forward? No. I have a loud voice so I know that bitch heard me. She just wanted to be rude for who knows what reason. I mean are the toys really that important that you can't scoot out of my way?

Also another asshole/douchebag move, came from my neighbor.

It was raining out and my brother and his friends were pretending to make a fire and the guy walks out and yells "Stop doing that in front of my house, I'll call the cops!"
I mean REALLY how is he going to freaking start a fire? It's fucking raining!Take a fucking joke! And...AND, it wasn't even near his freaking house it was like 20 yards away!!!

People these days need to go in a hole. And listen to some gospel music. (No intention of insulting anyone.)

I swear.

People can be so rude and mean, but then can restore my faith in humanity but also piss me off but make me happy that some people don't have their head shoved up their ass.

I hope that whoever reads this has their head fully out of their ass and is seeing sunlight right now.

If not, then I suggest consulting your doctor and I suggest telling me how you did that and manage to read this! So leave that in the comments.

If you have any questions or comments please email us @3buttholes@gmail.com

Nakaren 1/3 of the buttholes will be responding to those cause she's c001

So have a great fucking day and in the words of rupauls...sashay away my dear...

Bye bitch:) ILY

~Hannah 1/3 Buttholes

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