Chapter 24 An Intimate Session

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A beam of light glistened in the sky, it landed hard on the ground and blew away the surrounding trees. 

Dan rose from the ground and he exclaimed excitedly, "Wo! That was one hell of a ride!" Harrison and Diana rose from the ground vexed.

 "Next time try to land like a sane person," Harrison shouted.

 "Ha, ha, ha," Dan laughed hysterically. A thunderclap reverberated in the sky, Sam landed with Gordon and said, "Well, that was a close one." 

Diana scoffed and Dan asked, "So are we staying here?" 

"No, we're going back to New York," Sam replied. 

"Do you even know where we are?" Dan inquired.

"Don't worry, I got this; just follow my lead, Dan," he responded by placing his hands on his shoulders and firming his grip to assure him. He then stretched his hand out to Gordon.

"This is humiliating," replied Gordon as he grabbed his hand. Sam pulled him closer to him while he wrapped his arms around his abdomen. Sam then took off and flew away. 

"Who died and made him a leader?" Dan asked. 

Dan's body was then engulfed in a coat of flames, he stretched his hand out to them and asked, "Who wants a ride on the Dan Express?" 

"No way," Diana replied.

She generated a wine-purple aura that encompassed her body. She then used the aura's force to propel herself from the ground.

With a smirk, he turned to face Harrison. The young lad raked his facial features with his hand and sighed, "Jeez, not again!" He grabbed Dan's hand and they flew off following the others.


Inside escape pod

"Whoo-hoo!" Dan yelled ecstatically. The pod's lights turned red as the ship's A.I. said, "Warning!!! Laser beam detected!!!

Sam looked at the window and said, "Oh shit!!!" 

A red, fiery beam traveled toward the ship and he exclaimed with urgency, "We gotta go. Right now!!!!

The laser beam contacted the ship which then exploded; but before all that, Sam and the others escaped while the ship exploded.


Back at Seth's Mothership, in his control Room; the disgruntled warrior sat on his chair and watched as the ship was blown to hell through the large hologram screen that stood afloat in front of his chair. Since the screen showed him footage of what transpired outside of his mothership. The footage was recorded by one of his many cameras, there were some built-in hallways and multiple rooms from inside. Also, there were some cameras that were built on the exterior surface of his vessel.

Doubt hovered in his head like a spider as he watched, attempting to predict what happened to them. It entwined a network of cobwebs that symbolized the never-ending stream of ideas that sought multiple possibilities as to how they escaped.

"Rewind, and zoom in on the footage. I want to see whether they've escaped from my attack!" 

"But sir, there is no way that they survived that attack. The laser beam eviscerated their ship to rubbles," responded one of his subordinates.

"Do as you're told, and without question!" He demanded.

His subordinates rewinded the footage to when the laser beam was launched at his siblings. They focused on the small portion of the ship and increased its size for great and clear detail. In doing so, three large figures coated in different colored auras burst out of the scout ship right before the laser beam scorched the scout ship.

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