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Interviewer: so who's the mahomie girlfriend?

Camila: (smiles awkwardly and raises her hand) ha um that would be me.

Camila's POV

After the interview the girls and I went back to our tour bus. When I entered I quickly went to my bunk in search of my phone. When I finally found it I saw that my Twitter notifications were blowing up. I was still in shock about the announcement I had just said in that interview. I had finally made my relationship with Austin public after about a little less than a year of us going out. Austin had never pressured me to come out and say that we' were together to the public because he didn't want to push me and he was in no rush either. That combined with my still mixed emotions about him. I mean don't get me wrong , he is a nice handsome boy that was always there for me. We were friends before I ever had any feelings towards him, although he had his pretty clear. But most importantly he was there when a certain someone wasn't . And yes I'm talking about lauren. I don't really know what happened to us this time..but we grew apart again. And that hurt. But Austin was there to pick up some of the pieces. And for that I was thankful for. But I knew lauren was still in the back of my mind. Especially the thought of her and Brad together. I mean Brad seemed like and ok guy but he didn't seem right for lauren. Even though she wouldn't talk about him with me, nor did she talk to me at all, but she did talk to the other girls about the British boy. I didn't like that people were assuming they were a couple. And what made me more upset was that lauren didn't even deny these assumptions. She would just smile and laugh. I mean I thought we were friends ,she could tell me anything and everything. And that hurt to.At first I thought being with Austin would make my mixed up emotions go away and it did. But then I felt bad because it felt like I was using him. So I decided to give him a try for real. I pushed the weird emotions I had for lauren far back and focused on Austin. And to my surprise it worked. I had finally thought that this emotional roller coaster had come to an end and I could just be with Austin.

Lauren's POV

So who's the mahomime girlfriend...ha umm that would be me.

Those words played over and over again in my mind as soon as we left the interview. When I looked back at the interview, as soon as camila said those words, you could see the disappointment in my face. But I give myself a pat on the back for that fake smile. Ugh it really irritates me how upset I am over this. All I want is for camila to be happy. Right? Ugh yes of course I do. Even thought the thought of Camz being with Austin didn't sit right with me. And what makes me even more mad is that I have absolutely no idea why. And I didn't want to know. I know I haven't been such a good friend to camila. I had been trying to ignore her ever since the Austin Mahone tour started. Mostly because I knew she was still confused about the status of our friendship or relationship or what ever the hell we had going on. And to be honest so was I . But from the beginning I knew what Austin's intentions were with Camila. He had made it quite obvious about his feelings towards her even though she was too blind to see. I never really liked Austin that much. I just thought he was a player and Bieber wanna be. And that's not the type of person I saw camz being serious with. But I had always over heard her and Dinah talking about how cute and humble Austin was when he was around camila. And I hating know that it was sort of true. So I thought that if I just left camila alone she would finally be with the person she deserves. I was always so alone , but I had grown accustomed to it. That was until the vamps showed up. They were pretty cool ,especially Brad. We hit it off automatically . Brad was a cool guy to hang around with. So when I knew Austin was trying to sneak around and try to meet up with camila I would do the same to Brad. But to my surprise , camila wasn't to satisfied with the idea of me being with Brad, which I thought was completely ironic. But it also made me happy in a way. I knew it shouldn't have but it did. So when ever Brad wanted to hang out I would drop hints that I was going out with Brad to the other girls in front of camila. I could feel her staring me down but I just left. But eventually Brad and I had "the talk" but it was mostly Brad who was talking. He asked me if us being together was a real thing. I started to think about the possibility of me maybe being with him, but I just couldn't. So I made it clear that we were just hanging out. Casually dating and nothing more. I was not his girlfriend nor did I love him. As soon as i said those words I saw him frown. It made me feel guilty because I wasn't oblivous about Brads feelings. I knew he wanted something more. But It just didn't feel right. I didn't want a serious relationship with him. But that didn't stop interviewers from asking me about Brad and the status of our "relationship " but the weird thing is when ever an interviewer asked that question I couls swear I could feel camilas eyes on me. As though she was to expecting an answer. I would always do the samething and just shake it off or compliment Brad or plainly say that it was just a part of my private life. Which it was. I hated having to try and explain my life when I shouldn't have to.

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