𝟬𝟴. save me some kisses

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𝟬𝟴. save me some kisses

» jealous «
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the three walk into the lighthouse looking up at the tall staircase as they all step into the building

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the three walk into the lighthouse looking up at the tall staircase as they all step into the building

"remind me what we're looking for again" kiara asks her brown eyes glazing over the sight of the spiral metal staircase

"we'll know it when we see it" johnb replies before turning to face the staircase and grasping the railing

"this is probably a good time to mention that i am not so great with heights" aven mumbles looking at the top of the stairs

"your scared?" johnb asks mocking the brunette girl as she turns to face him,
she turns to watch the smirk rise on his features, "am i braver than the aven-lilly wyatt" he asks with sarcasm filling his words

"pff" aven scoffs, "of course not, i'm just kidding" she says trying to convince herself let alone the two figures in front of her,
"i am not afraid of anything including a ladder which takes you to a crappy old lighthouse which is apparently very high and could probably break and fall and kill us all at any second" aven says smiling with fear

"mhm, okay" he laughs walking up the staircase and dodging the broken ones which could end badly for the boy if one foot slipped, "whatever you say aven"

johnb began taking the first couple steps and avens eyes flickered back to the top of the staircase before a warm hold pressed against her wrist,
she looks down to see kiaras hand wrapped around her own one before meeting her dark chocolate eyes and her comforting smile that flashed across her face making avens heart swell

"come on" she whispers dragging her to the staircase and not releasing her wrist until they hit the first couple steps before aven stops in her tracks, making kiara stop too before looking back at her,
"you good?" she asks her eyes frowning in concern

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