part 5 : confirmation

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sorry.." Aizawa says looking down at toshinori "I'll get them out...I'll  will find them and I'll get them out. Thats a promise I'll save them..." He adds he hesitantly pets toshinori on the head and ears sense Toshi mentioned putting him wouldn't be werid "are they your children?" Aizawa questioned again he was a bit upset at the fact Toshinori might already have someone "I asked my parents about marrying someone but...they disagreed. My father chose an aggressive approach. Luckily my mother keeps him in check" he adds with a sigh

Toshinori purrs at the pets he was getting from aizawa before answering his question "they are not biologically mine I imprinted on the boy right after i was turned into this creature he can control me.  the girl was kidnapped along with the boy a year ago" he wraps his tail around one of aizawa's legs and then adds "your parents are very rude". Toshinori yawns and twitches his ears " master is mad the boy can command me so he tried to reset me so I would imprint on him instead" he continued to explain

Aizawa continues to pet Toshi as he tried to find the right words to explain how he felt. "I understand a same sex marriage will drag our famliy name though the mud but I just want to be happy. The guy I'm in love with isn't exactly a prince. He's is just a simple individual I don't want to give  many details. But He is not hard to spot and I don't want the word to get out" he puts it simply. "Though...I prefer someone more dominant above me But For some reason I just prefer them".

Toshinori listens carefully to Aizawa rant. After a few moments he climbs off aizawa and uses his tail to pick Aizawa up by the leg holding him suspended  upside down in the air. Toshinori looks into Aizawa eyes and says " you are soon to be ruler of this kingdom are you not your parents  should respect your decision make them understand"  after a couple moment's toshi gently tosses Aizawa back onto the bed and smiles a bright smile as he jumps off the bed onto the floor.

Aizawa sighed and sit up on the bed "they don't care!" He rubbed his eyes "they said you should feel lucky they're even letting you in the kingdom. You know what, come on" he yelled walking around the other side of the bed bending down and  grabbing Toshi by wrist he didn't grab him to tight just gently. Aizawa pulls him into thrown room where his parents now were "what do you have against him? I don't understand." He questions while looking at his parents.

Toshinori yelps a bit startled at being grabbed suddenly. He puts his ears back as he stared at the king and queens unhappy faces.


Aizawa mom looks at toshinori with a disgusted look "just look at him he looks like he has fleas eww and beside that marriage of the same sex is forbidden my son  how many times must we go over this" she snapped

"I don't have my own kingdom to run off to. If I did, I would have left ages ago! Why Are you refusing my chance to be happy?! Don't just look at him and assume he has fleas or he's just some animal! He's human! Just like us!! He's gone through alot  and he's struggling to he happy!"

Aizawa's dad stood up "that's enough, Shouta!!!" He yelled and walked up to aizawa and  grabbing the boy by his hair. Aizawa winced and tried getting away from his dad "listen here, boy. You WILL choose a female bride!! Not some animal who wasn't even supposed to exist. You will choose a woman. Not a man" his dad pulled on his hair roughly he started to tremble and his eyes watered

"Why can't I just marry him?!.." he looked at toshinori "I'm sorry you have to see this toshi! It's true I did want to marry you!..."

The whole scene before Toshinori eyes  tiggers his PTSD Toshinori growls and tackles Aizawa's dad to the ground pinning him there with his claws. Toshinori bared his fangs as acid started to drip from them. "I suggest you start giving you son the respect he deserves old man if I can even call you that real men don't lay there hands on others" Toshinori snarls loudly

Aizawa mother screams "you monster let my husband go now guards help come restrain this creature!"

"don't restrain him!" Aizawa commanded  the guards and they stepped back. Aizawa's dad  yelled up at Aizawa "cut your hair!!! You look like a girl!!!"
One of the guards runs up behind Toshinori pushing him off the king.  they take the king to the medical wing.
Aizawa looks over at his mother "I stand by my decision...even if you put me in another room with a woman, that won't make me feel anything towords I've said, I prefer men." Aizawa adds as he looks at toshinori "like him." Aizawa helps Toshinori back to his feet "thank you..." Aizawa says as he hugged toshi . He's has pulled my hair  before  it's hurt every time he does it . But I'm happy to have someone stop it.

Aizawa mother walked up to her son "if this Beast causes one more incident it is out of here I'm sure some zoo will gladly take it" she snaps before leaving to go with her husband


Toshinori snarls after her and then turns to aizawa and hugs back "your welcome I might have killed your old man if the guards hadn't stepped in" he admits shamelessly while rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment

"I would have preferred that." He  says while looking into toshi eyes  "don't listen to my mother. She doesn't know what she's talking about." Aizawa turns  to look outside "I'd like to show you something" he leads toshinori outside to the garden. It was a big and beautiful garden full of flowers of all kinds "we had peacocks when I was younger. But when our kingdom was ambushed and they were taken. So now we just have flowers" he explains and while looking  at the other flowers he  noticed how beautiful they've bloomed.

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