part 6 : feelings

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Toshinori looks around at all the flowers and wags his tail slowly " they are really beautiful" he says gently. He stands up on two legs to sniff a couple flowers it had been so long since he had been outside. Toshinori purrs and listens to the birds sing. He sighs and sits down in the grass for a moment. After a few seconds Toshi looks up at the clouds in the sky it was kind of grey out today he could feel  there would be rain soon.

"is everything alright?" Aizawa asked walking over and sat down beside toshi in the grass  "I'm still sorry about what you heard earlier ..." He says as e shifted his gaze down to the ground feeling ashamed of himself

Toshinori smiles and tackles Aizawa to the ground pinning him there toshi then presses his face up against aizawa's and Nuzzled him gently. "Its alright really" he says while flicking his tail back and forward fast.  Toshinori let's out a small mewing noise as it begins to rain on them. 

Aizawa laughed a bit "sudden affection?" He joked and looked at Toshi tail "you remind me of a cat. I love parents never let me have one." He explains as he continued to watch Toshinori tail "is there something I can do to make you happier?"

Toshinori yawns and lays down on aizawa's chest as the rain poured down upon them. He runs his hand though Aizawa hair gently. "I don't know what does happy mean" he asks while looking up into Aizawa's eyes as they lay there

Aizawa Ponder's for a moment "how do I put this...I'm not good at explaining feelings so bare with me. Being happy is like...when you smile and you just get this adrenaline rush almost. You feel happy when you stay close to someone you love or when you see a friend or a family member. Or someone you haven't seen in a long time." He explains

Toshinori tilts his head to the side in confusion. He didn't quite understand. The rain began to pour harder. Lighting stuck nearby making Toshinori jump up quickly. He panicked and jumped over the  garden wall. He landed in a small heap on the other side Toshinori whines loudly.

Aizawa laughed and got up and he jumped the wall after him  "come on we need to go inside now my maids will give me a bath so I'll be a while" he explains as he helped Toshinori out of the heap. They head back inside to find Aizawa's father scolded him for being out in the rain
Aizawa's Father wore an eye patch.
After a bit Aizawa left with the twin maids for his bath.
One of the other servants walked over to toshinori she motioned for him to follow her to a separate bathroom for his bath

Toshinori looks at the maid as they entered the bathroom. He takes off his clothes quickly and sinks into the tub. He felt really relaxed

Until the  maid suddenly grabs his head and pushing him underwater in an attempt to drown him she was ordered by the king to get rid of him

Toshinori struggles against her clawing her arm.
She continued to push his head deeper underwater.

Toshinori vision begins to fade as he loses oxygen.

In one last desperate attempt Toshinori flung his tail upwards and wraps it around the maid throwing her into the wall.

Toshinori comes out of the water gasping and coughing loudly

Aizawa was getting his bath by the maids and was completely oblivious to what was happening to toshinori. Another maid came in Toshinori bathroom after hearing the commotion and she gasped and yelled to the other maid  "leave this place!! You are a disgrace to the king and queen!"

Soon as Aizawa got out of the bathtub and got dressed. The other maid helped toshinori get dressed as well then she led toshi back to aizawa's room where Aizawa sit inside by the windowsill, brushing his hair

Toshinori continued to cough as he entered the bedroom. Dizzy from the maids attempt to take his life Toshinori jumps up onto the bed and lays down closing his eyes. He wraps his tail around himself trying to settle down

Aizawa's mother knocks on the bedroom door lightly

(Cliff hanger :3)

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