part 2: the Castle?

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"oh- it's alright My name is Shouta Aizawa. you don't have to address me as prince in front of anyone or  call me highness I despise it anyways" aizawa explains as he checked the position of the sun he adds "I have to return home. Come with me to the Castle I will feed you and clothe you you will be safe there" 

Toshinori hesitates "y-you mean g-go into town" he stutters and stands up on all fours
Toshinori looks around and sighs gently and then nods "I guess I'll come with you but I don't like interacting with people also my name is toshinori" he explains as he unwraps his tail from aizawa. Toshinori growled lowly and snapped his jaws  at a squirrel that ran by him  he spits abit of acid at it but misses.

Aizawa quickly got his horse away from toshinori acid "don't kill my damn horse or I'm leaving you out here" he snaps then  sighed and mounts  his horse leaving some room for Toshinori "let's go I'll put a blanket over you they won't notice anything as long as you remain still and silent" he explains

Toshinori nods and jumps up on the back of the horse being careful not to claw it with his claws. He wraps his long tail around himself so it doesn't stick out. Looks at aizawa and nods letting him know he was ready to head off

Aizawa puts the blanket over him before he rides back into the village to all the townfolk greeted him and bowed. Aizawa rides into the stable connected to the castle slipping off his horse he led the horse into it stall and gave it some feed then he turns to toshinori " the servants should be on their break. You won't be seen." He said as he started back inside the Castle. Aizawa was  only to be greeted by his mother who dragged him into the throne room "look at these lovely ladies! They seem suitable for you given you are a little picky" she laughed and aizawa growled "send them home mother I won't even look at them." Aizawa started walking away form the room his mother following after him "you can't choose a prince to marry, shouta! Our family name will be looked down upon you do so!" She snapped
Aizawa turns to her and shrugged "you think I care about this family legacy?"

Toshinori panicked  when he saw aizawa being dragged away by his mother. He let's out a little noise and drove back into a horse stall only to enter the wrong one and startle a random horse which a alerted a stable hand who freaked out upon seeing toshinori.


The stable hand ran to get help  "help there is a monster attacking the horses someone bring chains and get it" he screamed loudly

The castle guards rushed into the stable and surrounded toshinori quickly.
The guards throw chains  pinning toshinori To the ground.

Toshinori cries out loudly and swings his tail trying to throw off some of the guards off of himself

Aizawa quickly ran outside upon heading the noise leaving his mother to Strom off angrily "enough!!" Aizawa snaps while looking upon all of the guards  then he pushed them out of the way as he walked over to toshinori he bends down and  starts pulling the chains that bound toshinori off  "shame on you.." He snaps again looking back at them again "shame on all of you!" He pulls toshinori to his feet he walked through the crowd of guards "are you okay?" He checked toshi for more injuries

Toshinori nods and just lays down were he stood all the commotion made him tried. He swings his tail and watches the guards growling lowly. After a couple moment's he wraps his tail around aizawa's waist again


One of the guards stepped forward eyeing toshinori closely "your Highness that beast was attacking the horses we had to do something" he says. The guard walks towards aizawa.

"if he was hurting the horses we would see blood and guts. I don't see any. Do you?" Aizawa snaps looking over at the guard "that's what I thought The horse were only startled You've always been one to arrest or capture people and other creatures for stupid shit."  Aizawa walks back to were toshinori lay i and picks him up before returning inside and to his room once inside his room he gives toshinori some clothes "the maids already bring these for you upon my request"

The guard follows them  "your Highness wait I still have more to discuss with you" he says


Toshinori grabs the clothing from aizawa hands gently "thank you is there any way I could get a bath before putting those brand new clothes on? I haven't had one in quite some time" he asked then looked at the guard that had followed them. He unwraps his tail from aizawa. Toshinori pins his ears back under the stare of the guard something about him gave him bad vibes.


Tim the guard waits patiently to talk to the Prince watching toshinori closely. He smiles to himself and thinks "I know a certain scientist that will pay me well for his missing Beast.

"leave here or you will be banned from this castle" aizawa snaps at tim as some maids escorted toshinori to the bathroom for a bath.

Aizawa crossed his arm and glared at the guard "I don't want to speak to you Now get lost He's already been through enough but  You just think he's some auction prize" aizawa snarls and continues "You'll do anything to get your hands on a rare  creature like toshinori. So tell me, what do you want to do with him"
Other guards stands close by guarding the exits since Tim was on the verge of getting fired

Tim bows  and says" my Prince I only am here to tell you that I have set up some blind dates for you with some of the finest males in the kingdom" he watches the maids lead toshinori  away then adds " you might wanna keep a collar on him  with the Royal symbol on it as well just in case he does decide to go out and about people will know he is a kingdom pet and won't touch him.


Toshinori yelps as the maids start to take off what shreds of clothing he had left on his body. Toshinori wraps his tail around himself covering the private part himself that had now been exposed to the maids. He understood it was their jobs to assist in his bath.


One of the maids giggled gently and pushed toshinori toward the tub "get in hun" she says gently

"he isn't a fucking pet" aizawa yells and gets in Tim's face "he's more human than he is animal  don't lay a hand on him and I don't want you to treat him like a pet either. He's More human than some creature. So you better treat him like a human.  If he was an animal  my maids would be outside bathing him with a bucket of water and some soap." He snaps then sighs  rubbed his head "blind dates huh..very well. Don't lay a hand on him or I'll have you executed." He threatened "I'll be back soon" he says as he starts walking away to get ready for the dates Tim had lined up

Tim bows his head and says " I understand sir" he watches aizawa leave and smiles evilly


Toshinori whines as one of the maids scrub one of his wound spots. He does his best to keep his tail still so he didn't splash the maids. After the maid finish washing over him  he jumps out off the tub and fights the urge to shake himself. He dry himself off. Then the maids help him slip into his  new clothes.
Before he leave the bathroom he looks at himself in the mirror. You could now see his sunflower color hair and fur. He sighs and walks out if the bathroom. He let's out a small noise of panic because he didn't know the way back to aizawa's room.
Tim stood hidden not to far away from the bathroom watching toshinori as he came out. He walks over to toshinori " this way sir"  he says gently point the way towards the Prince's room

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