Getting closer

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Hey, I've seen that some people have started reading :D I would really appreciate it if you would comment. If the books sucks I would like to know xD thanks for reading <3

I get up turning my alarm off. I look at my phone seeing a message from Zach.
Zach: can I pick you up for school today?
Me: sure!
Zach: great :D

I text the girls that I don't need a ride an then text Zach my address.
I get ready putting on my vans, skinny jeans, an a crop top with a peace sign. I leave my hair natural. I let Aspen out an tell Marsha that I'm not eating breakfast today as I grab my bag. I hear a knock at the door and my palms begin to sweat. I walk to the dark opening it to see a gorgeous Zach. I smile looking up at him.
"You look gorgeous, as always" he says winking.
I blush at the comment "eh, thank you"
I walk to his car admiring the mustang.
"Nice car" I say smiling
"Thanks, it's my baby" he says patting it
I roll my eyes getting in
"You hungry?" He asks
"Kinda" I say blushing
As we drive down the street I hear BVB playing an turn it up. Zach grimaces turning it off. "I hate that shit" he grumbles.
I look down trying not to make smart comment as we pull into McDonalds an order two sausage mcmuffins. I eat mine quietly.
"Thanks for the food" I smile as we pull into the parking lot.
"No problem babe" he says cockily
I let it slide as I climb out of the car.
He smirks "I'll catch you later?"
"Okay see ya" I say slipping into the school
I open my locker getting my stuff when suddenly I hear a bunch of snickering.
I look over to see the cheer captain Brittany. She walks up sneering.
"Zach's taste is getting a little bland" she states looking at me in disgust.
"Your such a whore. Sleeping with him already. Your so easy." She says laughing.
I glare slamming my locker "Excuse me but I have higher standards" I say coldly walking away.
Throughout the day people kept whispering about me, it reminded me of my first day back to school after my moms death. It was unsettling an I was getting angry. People kept saying Zach says I slept with him. Did he really say that?! I ask myself feeling slightly sick.
At lunch Violet and Amber seemed to be on edge about the whole thing as well.
Violet looked angry "there is no way you slept with him!"
I nod agreeing as Amber grimaces.
Zach walks up with his buddy's an I turn slightly pissed. Before I got a word out Violet an Amber where both to their feet.
"You need to watch what your saying buddy, Rayne would never sleep with you" Violet says coldly Amber glares behind her.
Zach chuckles brushing it off "I never said that" he says cooly
His cool demeanor was pissing me off more. I suddenly stand up an shove past them out of the lunch room.
I walk to my locker an get my books out trying to calm down. A few moments later Zach appeared.
"Rayne what's wrong?" He asks
"People are saying that you claim we slept together" I say angrily
"Is that such a bad thing" he questions
"Yes it is! I'm not like that" I yell angrily
He puts his hands up in surrender "okay okay I'm sorry, but it isn't true so you have nothing to worry about" he says sweetly hugging me gently.
I sigh "okay"

The next few days flew by. Soon it was already Thursday an me an Zach have just been getting closer. The girls an I have planned a shopping trip after school. That's all i could think about. By the time 5th period came the only thing I'd learned was that goldfish don't like jello. 5th period was biology with Mrs. Holloway. I was great at biology an knew it would be an easy day. I came to class early skipping part of my lunch. As I sit down I see Mrs. Holloway an Xavier Hadden having, what seem to be, a very serious conversation. All of the sudden Mrs. Holloway looked at me an grinned walking over swiftly. "Rayne honey" she says sweetly.
"Yes?" I ask questionably
"Would you mind tutoring Xavier, he seems to be struggling greatly an I know your great at biology, I also know you only need 2 more credits for honors diploma, tutoring can earn those credits" she says innocently
I look at her an then Xavier weighing my options.
I sigh defeatedly "alright" I say studying Xavier. He was tall about 6 foot, he had black hair an deep blue eyes. He also had snake bite piercings an almost a mysterious vibe. He didn't talk much either.
"Hi" I say awkwardly
He looks at me an rolls his eyes
I scoff "well that's rude, Im tutoring you every Tuesday an Thursday from 3-4. Here's my number text me a place" I say glaring an passing him my number

He takes it then walks to his desk looking annoyed. At the end of the day the girls an I head to the mall an look around. By the end I had matching bra and panties, bikini for the inside pool, a new shirt, an a bandana. I sigh paying for my clothes.

Violet walks over to me
"You alright?" She asks
"Oh yeah I'm fine, I have to tutor someone, just stressing" I laugh softly
"Okay whatever you say" she says laughing
"Don't stress to much or you'll loose your hair" she says slapping my back
I say goodbye to the girls deciding to walk home. I stop at a market an get Aspen a new color with little studs.
When I get home I see my dads home.
I walk in an call out "Dad!"
"In here" I hear him call from kitchen.
I walk in smelling sphagetti. "Looks good dad" I say sighing
He grins "it will be ready in about 30 mins"
"Okie dokie, hey can I stay at Ambers tomorrow?" I ask timidly
He looks at me suspiciously "I suppose" he mutters
"Thanks dad" I say going upstairs an getting in the shower
After my shower me an dad eat dinner. Dinner was mostly quiet other then the small chat about my new job as a tutor.
After dinner I clean up an the head to bed. I text Zach before bed.
Me: all good for tmr, see you @ 7 :)

Zach: good. See you there :-*

I blush examining the kissy face, I lay down yawning and drifting to sleep.

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