" You barely made it out in time. "

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" Taki? Can I show you something? "

Taki glanced at Y/N, nodding and walking over.

" Follow me. "

Y/N led him to the room with the weird writing that used to be on the wall. Y/N had reorganized all the books after reading each and every one, trying to figure out what they had seen. Taki looked around, staring at the wall.

" I saw some writing in another language on the wall here.. " Y/N explained, gently brushing their hand against the wall.

" ... strange. I believe that was Calvin. "

" What? Why'd he write it on the wall? "

" He said he was going to 'enlist some help for our cause'. "

Y/N thought for a moment, then realized.

" He.. he was getting help to get me back... but he failed.. didn't he? " Y/N looked up at Taki with a worried gaze. Taki still had her permanent smile on, she glanced back down at them.

" I'm not sure. He never let me in here when he was working. "

" I sure hope he didn't manage to finish... " Y/N mumbled, crossing their arms nervously. Taki gently pat them on the head.

" You'll be alright. Come now, we must get home. " Taki led them back home.

☯︎︎ ✞ ☯︎

Y/N sat down on their bed, opening up the paranormal book again. They feathered through pages until they ended up on one chapter they were eyeing. It was talking about the land between Heaven, Hell and Limbo.

The base of the Spiritual Plane.

Where the decider of fates resides.

Where the decider of fates resides

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That damn,



Y/N sighed, tapping their fingertips against the page as they stared at the new language.

' What did it say?? '

Y/N growled as they set the book down. The pages slowly flipped to the inside of the back cover, revealing a white ink that almost completely blended in with the page color. Y/N glanced at it...

Surprise surprise, it was the language!


It looked like a key!

Y/N's eyes widened excitedly, and they quickly grabbed a pen, carefully tracing every line in a darker color so they could read it better.

Oh my stars they were right.

Y/N smiled wide, quickly getting up and running down the hall with the book under their arm

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Y/N smiled wide, quickly getting up and running down the hall with the book under their arm. They knocked on Selever's door.

" What is it, Roachy? You sure look excited. " The tall demon commented as he opened his door, chuckling slightly.

" I figured it out! I found a key for that weird writing I saw! " Y/N explained excitedly, and Selever's eyes widened.

Needless to say, they quickly went back to the room.

☯︎︎ ✞ ☯︎

" Selever, please trust me... " Y/N sighed as they stared at the wall, glancing back at the demon behind them. Selever was sitting on the floor, leaning back on the bookshelves that took up the entire wall across from Y/N.

" Look, Y/N... I believe you, but obviously nothing is gonna happen like this... " Selever said, quietly. He did feel kind of bad for having to say it, but who else would..? "

" No, no, it's gotta be here... lemme just.. try one more time... " Y/N mumbled back, putting their hand on the spot that the glowing writing once laid. They remembered clearly what it had said. The looked down at the book, and started reciting it.

 " With the strength of the Spiritual Plane, bring forth to me your immortal power. " They whispered, closing their eyes. They were ready to fail, again.

" Uhm, Y/N... I definitely believe you now... " Selever slowly stood, and Y/N opened their eyes.

The writing had returned, glowing brighter and brighter. Y/N quickly backed up into Selever's arms as he hugged them tight, wrapping his wings around them as they watched.

Black, orange and white dust, sprayed with glittery, white stars poured from the engraved writing. It coated the floor as it piled up. The black and white blur of a figure slithered out of the wall.

Selever and Y/N looked up at it as it floated above the writing.

" Goodmorning, ladies and gentlemen! "



hah, I hope you guys are excited, because this is gonna be one heck of an adventure now.

☦︎︎  𝑀𝑦 𝐺𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛  ☦︎︎ || 𝑆𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now