" Mother-of-Son-and-his-crush bonding time. "

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" Good morning, dear! " Sarvente greeted Y/N warmly as they tiredly shuffled into the kitchen.

" Morning, Sarv.. where's Sel and Ruv..? " They tilted their head as they glanced around.

" Ah! Sel, Ruv and Rasazy are out running errands. It's just you and I today! " She smiled, shifting to face Y/N and gently fixing their messy hair. " There we are. Much better. "

Y/N smiled a little. Sarv was always really nice to them, keeping them safe and happy. They noticed she was dressed a little differently today.

 They noticed she was dressed a little differently today

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Their eyes widened. " You have wings and horns too? Just like Sel? " They looked up at Sarv and she laughed a little.

" Of course, Y/N! Why else would my son have them? " She fluttered her wings a bit as her hair bounced a bit. She was such a bright and positive person, it was wonderful to be around her.

" Heh, makes sense. " Y/N smiled a little more, feeling at peace like this. Sarv giggled.

" I thought we could go to the local café today! We haven'r gotten too much time to talk and really get to know each other! " She suggested, and Y/N nodded.

" Sounds great to me. I'll get dressed. "

" Alright! " She smiled and hurried away to gather a few things before they left. Y/N went up to their room and got dressed, putting on a [F/C] sweater and black jeans (I'm sorry but black goes with everything), slipping on some black socks and [S/F/C (second favorite color)] boots. They also put on a [F/C) beanie and left their room, going back downstairs to the front doors, where Sarv was waiting.

" Ready? " They asked, and Sarv nodded, pushing open the heavy doors with ease. Y/N walked out, Sarv quickly following after them.

" Come with me! I know the best place to get coffee! " She spoke cheerfully, leading Y/N down the street. They smiled and followed beside her.

☯︎︎    ✞    ☯︎︎

" Here it is! " Sarv stopped by a green and white themed coffee shop. Y/N glanced up at the name of it.

" Huh. 'Moonbucks.' Never heard of it before, I'm excited to try it. " They smiled.

(*wheeze* you're so creative, Jazz)

" I'm sure you'll love it! " She led them inside, and they both ordered their drinks. They walked over to a table and sat down. " So how have you been feeling at the church, dear? Have we been doing alright for you? "

" More than alright, I still can't thank you guys enough for letting me stay. " Y/N responded, rubbing the back of their neck slightly.

" Oh it's no problem, Y/N! It's nice having someone else living with us! Selever especially thinks so. "

" Oh? " Y/N tilted their head in curiosity.

" He almost never stops talking about you! It's cute, honestly. " She giggled and your face went a little [B/C (blush color)].

(Just so you know, I'm very open for you to choose how Y/N looks, since I sort of have to control how they act. Expect lots of __/__'s <3)

Y/N was about to continue their conversation, when suddenly, a familiar looking guy walked up to the table with their drinks.

" Oh hey, Y/N! "

" shit- " They whispered under their breath, nervously smiling and waving at the person.

It was Calvin.

Sarvente, noticing Y/N's sudden anxiety, gently took the drinks. " Thank you, sir. "

" Of course! I actually wanted to talk to you in private, Y/- " Calvin was cut off by Sarv.

" No, that won't be necessary, sir. "

" Did I ask you? " He had a subtle hostility in his voice as he glanced at Sarv.

She simply smiled sweetly as her wings spread a bit and her horns lengthened and sharpened. " If you speak to Y/N, you speak to me. "

Calvin's eyes widened and he growled, walking away. Y/N let out a tensed breath. " Thank you, Sarv.. "

" Of course, dear. I'm here to protect you, just like Ruv and Sel. Remember that, alright? "

" I will. " Y/N nodded, taking a sip of their [F/D (favorite drink)].

" Good. Now, tell me, what were some of the things you had at home? " She asked, her wings folding beside her again and her horns going back to normal.

" Well-... it wasn't much.. I had lots of books, that's the only really significant thing. " They answered quietly, flashes of their scorched home lingering in their thoughts.

" Ah, I see. Well, why don't we go buy some books for you today? Maybe get some shelves set up in your room for you! " She smiled, her eyes bright.

" Really? " Y/N smiled back, looking more excited now. Sarv nodded. " Thank you, Sarv! "

" Of course, dear! I want you to feel at home with us! " She giggled, sipping her coffee. " What kinds of books would you like? "

Y/N started listing her long list of favorite books, rambling on about each and every one. Sarv smiled as she listened intently, finding their excitement a bit a amusing.

They stayed at the coffee shop for almost 4 hours, talking and laughing with each other the whole way through, even on their way home they laughed and smiled, feeling much closer than they were before.


Okay I lied, there aren't two updates in one day.


☦︎︎  𝑀𝑦 𝐺𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛 𝐷𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛  ☦︎︎ || 𝑆𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now