I'm A Virgin Whore

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"Right now I'm lookin' at you, and I can't believe"

Picture above is Calvin Harris

Picture above is Calvin Harris

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Expect some steamy scenes

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Expect some steamy scenes... :)


I walk slowly down the corridors of the school, all the way to my locker, thinking about the math scholarship/expo, whatever I could call it. Most likely, I'm going to end up doing it, it's the guy I'm going to work with I'm a little hazy about. 

I know I'm not supposed to believe in rumors, but Lexi's told me a lot of stuff, that seem quite hard to believe, but yet, it's so fitting for him. Besides, all rumors are based on a sliver of truth, no matter how much you deny it. 

But then again, Noah genuinely doesn't seem that bad, or look bad either. 

Bloody hell, I'm judging a book by it's cover. But then, doesn't everybody? What are covers there for? Their sole purpose is to be judged. 

What delulu juice are you drinking? 

I'm insane, aren't I? 

"Yes, you're insane." A voice drawls from behind me. A long manicured hand wraps itself around my waist, and pulls me closer in, nearly suffocating me. 

Respected audience, meet my cousin/best friend/big boobie baby, Chloe Garcia. I swear, if she wasn't my cousin, I would have had every single way I could have with her... But that's incest, nobody needs to remind me about that. Let's not forget the fact that she's hardcore aromantic, asexual, doesn't believe in love etc etc.. 

Like I've said before, all the hot girls are straight and all the hot guys are gay. 

Speaking of hot guys, my other best friend, Calvin Harris (not the Scottish DJ) joins us from behind, and wraps his hand around my shoulders. What am I, a coat stand? 

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