Tate- Ghosts in my room

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Warnings: suicide, and death, yet still weirdly enough fluff

 Warnings: suicide, and death, yet still weirdly enough fluff

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★ 。* ・゚☆ 。* ・゚★ 。・ * ・゚☆

    I just moved into this house a month ago. I was nervous when I heard the last owners died here. But my parents said they weren't superstitious and the price was great so here we are.

  As I sit in my room, I stare at the teal walls, thinking about the poor girl who lived in this room before me. They never found her when they found her parents.

  My parents told me not to look up what happens to them, they knew it would freak me out. But I was intrigued so I looked the house up and found out they did a tour that stopped here. I read it would explain more about what happened here. So I took the tour a week ago. And to say I felt unnerved was an understatement.

   I got of the bus that day and sped to my room. I just felt instant sadness and tears came to my eyes. I was embarrassed and hid away for the rest of the night. I just felt so much sadness for the victims of this house.

   So now, as I stare at the ceiling thinking of the poor family that was here only months before, I hear voices outside my door.

"Tate leave her alone."

"But she looks so sad... like you did."

  I was now instantly curious as to who was at my door, so I quietly get up and open it.

  I see a shaggy haired blond boy in Kurt Cobain esc clothes and a girl with light brown hair in a yellow cardigan and a floral dress.

  "Um hi, did my parents send you up?" I ask looking at the attractive teenagers in front of me.

  "Uh yeah we're your neighbors." The girl smiles awkwardly.

  "Oh, cool I thought it was just a bunch of old people in this neighborhood. Do you go to Westfield? I start next week and I'm pretty nervous." I ask trying to make conversation, I need friends.

  "No we go to a charter school on the other side of town, sorry." She continues and I smile sadly. I notice the boy fidgeting so decide to make the atmosphere more comfortable.

  "We'll that's ok. I'll survive. You want to come in." I say gesturing to the inside of my room.

  "Sure." They both say and I step aside letting them in. I notice the boy look around the room sadly as the girl walks over to my music.

  "Nirvana, Fleetwood Mac, Toto, Duran Duran, journey... damn you have great music." The girl complements and I smile. The attractive boy perks up and walks over to us.

  "You like nirvana?" He asks and I smile.

  "Yes! It was one of the first band I had a whole album for." I say happily and he smiles.

  "Oh, I never told you my name. I'm (y/n)." I say realizing I never introduced myself.

"I'm tate, and this is violet." Tate says and I smile.

"Um, do you want to play cards while we talk, sorry I don't have much to do in here." I laugh nervously, flustered by the boys grin after are previous conversation.

  "Don't worry about it, cards sounds great." Tate says and violet nods.

And that's how I met my best friends.

  And that was also the beginning of the end for me.

  The day I found out I had been friends with ghost for the past few months, was also the last day of my life.

  I had fallen deeply for the odd boy In green stripes. And I just wanted to spend time with the one I had grown infatuated with.

"Tate please let me take you out for coffee or something, we never leave this house. I'm getting bored." I beg him.

  "(Y/n) you know I don't like to go out." He smiles sadly trying to lead me away from the idea.

  "Come on tate, for me ok." I say and grasp his hand leading him out the door. But once we get to the edge of the property I feel his had leave mine and he disappears from my side to the porch, right in front of my eyes.

"T- tate.... What just happened." I say slowly walking up to him.

  I'm so sorry, I should have told you sooner." He says as his eyes start to water.

  I didn't take the news well let's just say that.

"(Y/N) DONT YOU DO ANYTHING STUPID!" I hear tate yell as I bolt up the stairs to the bathroom.

  I'm in love with a dead boy, how was I supposed to take that information.

  As I start to fill up the bath and grab the Benadryl bottle I hear tate screaming for me on the other side of the door, trying to bust it down.

"(Y/n) open the door!" He yells as I take the cap of the bottle and take a handful of them slowly laying down in the bath water letting myself drift away.

  I drowned myself that day.

What hadn't been explained to me was if I died in the house I too would be trapped forever.

  "Tate what did you do!" I hear violet cry as I come too.

  "She found out we're dead.... I- I couldn't bust the door down in time." He sobs holding my sopping body in his arms. His fingers grazing my face as his tears drip on my cheeks mixing with the leftover bath water. He places a small innocent kiss on my damp hair as he chokes out a cry.

  As I completely come to I see the seen play out before my eyes as I stand in the doorway.

  "Tate what's going on?" I ask panicked as I slowly step forward only to gasp as I see my wet body in his arms.

"Am I-, am I dead like you?" I cry  and he softly sets my body down, and walks over to me.

"I'm so sorry." He says and pulls me into his grasp shielding my face from the sight of my deceased body on the floor. The three of us just cried.

I had to learn to cope. I had to watch my parents morn and leave. Luckily violets parents revealed themselves to me and took me in as there own. But one thing I never did was stop caring for the dark eyed boy.

  When I found out why he died I had to realize what this house does to a person. It takes the darkest parts of you and forces them to take over. It drives you mad. It takes your problems and drives you crazy. It wasn't a forgivable act but it was something his own self conscious needed to deal with and I needed to let him do that.

  Once he had grown i finally told him.

  We lay on my old bed and I run my fingers through his hair as we listen to music, his eyes closed with contentment and he hums along.

"I love you tate." I whisper and I see him smile slightly as his cheeks flush.

  "You do?" He whispers back with a knowing smile.

"I truly do."

  "Well I love you more." He smiles placing a small kiss to the identical smile on my lips.

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1227 words

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