Kyle- Taken by the Wind

27 1 5

Tw: none, I don't think at least. Mostly fluff, Unedited

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"Why do I have to go." I ask my sister, my eyes stinging from the nerves.

"You need help controlling your power. You can't keep risking your life for others at every inconvenience." Misty says as we walk through the gates of the academy.

"That's literally what I do. I'm a people pleaser. I can't do anything for myself, greed has no power over me." I smile softly. It's a blessing and a curse, having so much power and yet so little control over how I use it. I can't do anything out of a selfish act. But I still end up hurt at the end of the day.

"Which is why miss Cordelia is going to help you. Ok?" She smiles adjusting my shawl and knocking on the door. I nod in response and the door opens.

"Hello, you must be (y/n), I'm Cordelia, misty has told us lots about you." The blonde haired woman smiles as she reaches her hand out to shake.

"It's very nice to meet you miss." I say shyly.

"Now, now no need to be shy, why don't you come inside, the other girls are so excited to meet you. It's been a little chaotic around here these past few days and your sure to bring some happiness to the lot of them." She says and escorts me into the huge White House they call a school.

"Girls I want you to meet (y/n) the newest addition to the academy." Miss Cordelia says as we walk up on a group of 4 girls at a long table.

"Hi, I'm Zoe." One of the girls with light brown hair says with a slight smile in her eyes and I return the favor and the other get out of there seats to say hello.

"Maddison Montgomery." A slim girl with blonde hair says intimidatingly sticking out her hand for me to shake.

"H- hello." I say quietly return the gesture.

Nan and Queenie introduce them selfs next cause if me to smile. I can sense the vibrant energy off of the two of them and I smile feeling the same from Zoe as she gets closer, finally leaving her seat at the table.

"Girls why don't you show her to her room and help with her bags as I talk with misty." Cordelia insists and I'm taken up the stairs by the girls.

"So here is the room you'll be staying in, we've been putting Kyle in there but he can sleep on are floor or something." Says Madison to Zoe and I, causing my brows to furrow.

"I don't want to remove anyone from there rooms, I'm fine with bunking, me and misty shared a room at her home for years." I smile confused at the girls nervous looks towards the thought of me bunking with the Kyle the brought up.

"Are you sure it's not like Kyle has any choice in the matter, he can't even say no." Madison laughs and Zoe lightly smacks her hand in annoyance.

"I'll be fine." I say trying to lighten the mood and they open the door. As I get a view of the room I see a blonde boy on seated on the bed with headphones covering his ears and he hums quietly along.

Madison marches up to the boy and forcefully pulls the headphones of his head causing him to flinch a bit.

"Kyle this is (Y/n) Day she's going to be sleeping in the bed over there." She says pointing to the other bed in the room.

"You have a roommate Kyle isn't that fun." Zoe says with much more kindness in her voice but I can still sense the panic in the boys dark eyes.

Zoe waves me over to them and a slowly make my way over to them and Zoe delicately has me sit next to him on the bed to introduce myself, but instead of using words first I softly place my hand over one of his and help him calm down with a tap of my finger to his palm. He looks up at me surprised and I smile.

"Hello Kyle, I'm (y/n)." I say and his eyes light up.

"(Y/n)?" He says raising a hand to my hair with a bright smile and I lightly laugh at the gesture.

"Kyle can speak, but it's hard for him after what he's been through." Zoe explains and I look up at her not being able to shake the familiarity I get from the boy. Madison walks up to Zoe after being gone from the room for a moment and tells her something.

"Kyle we'll be right back ok, miss Delia want (y/n) down stairs." Zoe says and Kyle nods. I get up and wave good bye seeing the sweet smile he has as he watches me leave.

"He seems familiar to me, is that weird?" I ask as we enter the main hall downstairs.

"Not at all actually, I see you've met Kyle again." Cordelia says and I look to my sister confused.

"Again?" I ask.

"He was the boy with the scars from a month or two ago. Remember. That's how I knew to bring you here. When Zoe explained where she was staying, when she brought Kyle, l told her about you." She explains and I think back to that day I came home to find a random boy covered in mud on my bed.

"Wow no wonder I didn't recognize him sooner, he's made so much progress." I saw my eyes lighting up and misty looks pleased knowing she had done good work on healing the boy.

"Well now that we have all that explain why don't we eat before misty has to go." Cordelia says and I feel that pit of nerves in my stomach again. I haven't been away from my sister in a while. Being 19 years old and unstable with my emotions, I was not gonna do so well with her away from me I feared.

When she left later that night I couldn't control my outburst of emotion so I quietly walked up to my shared room and sat on the bed codling my shawl she made me. Silent tears dripping on it in a rapid stream. Kyle was to distracted by his music and headphones for him to even notice my distraught state.

Or so I thought.

I feel a dip in the bed next to me and look over to see Kyle reaching a hand up to my cheek.

"Why cry?" He asks quietly.

"My sister has just left me here, I miss her very much Kyle." I say smiling through the tears as he attempts to wipe them away. He takes my hand and places a finger to my palm and I notice him trying to replicate my calming spell from earlier. I smile at the boys gentleness and hold his hand in mine stopping his failed attempt to calm me down. He looks up at me and takes my finger placing it on my own palm. His eyes looking desperate.

"I'm sorry Kyle I can't do it to myself. I can only help others." I smile and he frowns.

"It's ok. I'm ok." I reassure him but he still looks sad. His eyes suddenly brighten and he gets up heading to his own bed only to rush back with his headphones and tablet in hand. I look at him confused till he places the headphones softly over my ears and points to the tablet. I think I have an idea of what he means so I look up my sister and I's favorite song. Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac. I smile at the thought of us spinning around the room listening to the entrancing voice of the white witch. I look to Kyle who now has a big smile on his face noticing my tears have stopped.

I remove the headphones from my ears and he looks confused till I remove them from the tablet as well letting the soft music play through the speaker. I grab his hand and I lay down looking up at the ceiling closing my eyes content with the sound.

I feel an arm slightly resting on mine and peek over to see Kyle laying beside me mimicking my closed eyes and calm demeanor. I smile to myself and hum along to the music as I drift away to sleep as the boy with the beautiful soul lays next to me feeing the same calmness he hasn't felt in a while.

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1444 words

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