when you broke me first(-)

387 24 12

You left me all by myself mew, you chose to leave me pregnant for him you threw me out in the middle of the night because of the bitch and now after years, you are back what do you expect me to do take you back not a chance you send me the divorce papers and signed my kids custody even before they were born you told you they are not anything to you and broke me now what do you expect me to do?? And sorry now I can't accept you in my life, my parents are happy for me and I am having children with my love........gulf shouted and pushed the man away locking the door in his face.....

I hate you so much mew you caused me so much pain and you are back to give me pain again when I am finally happy he cried .....

Mamma doesn't cry two tinny kids came and hugged gulf who was still on the floor crying and helped him to get up...

Mamma don't cry who was that uncle what did he do. 

Gulf lifted the kids and took them to the sofa maybe it's time to tell them...

Gulf - babes do you want to know about your dad

Their eyes showed no emotions they already knew their dad was a bad person who broke their mamma's heart when they were in their mamma's belly and threw them always they never asked for their dad because they never needed him gulf was all they needed.

Win - only if mamma wants to tell us.

Gulf- you are so smart baby win, mamma and your real dad met in university mamma was not a very good person that time mamma was a playboy and dadda had a boyfriend already and your grandmother and grandfather set mamma and dadas marriage your mamma always wanted a happy family that I never had I wanted little children my husband living together always loving and caring but your dada had a boyfriend and he never treated me like a wife he uses to go with his boyfriend I couldn't say anything then one day I got pregnant with you guys even he got to know he threw me out with you guys in my belly he sends me divorce letter next day when your grandparents got to know they were mad at your dad and they helped me just after you were born I made custody of you people and he signed it and send me a letter never to text or contact him again just a week after it he married his boyfriend...

Saint - the man who came was our real dada right

Gulf - bit his lips yes he is your real dada but I will give you full freedom if you want to meet him I am ok with it, he your biological dad and I won't stop you to meet him.

Win - mamma you have our full custody right

Gulf - yes

Saint - we don't want to see him he is no one to he left our mamma we don't need him, don't cry mamma, he made you cry we don't need him right win.

Gulf - hugged Saint and win babes I am sorry I didn't tell you before

Win - don't be sorry mamma you are the best mother and father in this whole world and we love you we don't need dada

Saint - yes mamma you are the best person ever don't cry or I will also cry

Gulf smiled and hugged his kids one more time before he took out the trash to throw it out as soon as opened the door he saw his ex-husband sitting outside in the cold holding himself gulf helped him to get and took him inside...

I am sorry gulf please just for once let me see my kids please gulf give me one more chance...

Gulf - shut up and sit down I will get coffee for you, he helped his ex-husband to sit on the couch and gave him a blanket.

Win - mamma we heard some sound who are you he looked at his dad.

I am your dad babes,  gulf he looked exactly like me

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