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Doctor is he ok now, answer me doctor is my boyfriend fine he held the doctor's shirt roughly but his friend's bright and win stopped him...

Bright - leave the doctor mew let him speak first.

Doctor - I am sorry too but your boyfriend has deep wounds on his hands legs and neck too it was a big accident he has to stay here at least for three months and I have one bad news too but I can't confirm it until he wakes up.

Bright - what is it, doctor.

Doctor - he lost some part of his memory there can be three possible changes one can be he forget everything till date even his name second can be a small memory loss of a few minutes or days and third can be he forgot some years of his life but he has to wait for him to get up for that.

Win nodded and took the doctor with him and also to pay the bills while mew sat down crying his heart was in pain because of him his love was lying there...

Mew - this is all my fault from the time I have to know him he has been with me for me even if I hurt him and look at me what did I do to him what will I do now if he forgets me when he wakes up, what will I do when he wakes and ask me who am I?? He cried more bright what have I done...I lost my love

Bright - stop it mew he is alive he is fine don't worry he won't forgive you or any of us I don't accept your apology what you did was wrong I won't support you but he is out friend he will be fine he is a fighter mew don't worry he will be ok.

Mew and bright left on the bench only in front of gulf room after a while win to cane and slept on the bench near them...

Mew dreamt of his amazing time with gulf and how lucky he is to have a lover like gulf who supported him and was on his side when no one else was he missed his baby now......

Next day -

Mew woke up and decided to check on gulf but he was shocked to see gulf's room was empty no one was there he called the nurse and the doctors...

Sorry sir the patient left with his family and they already paid the bills too that's what the doctor told them.....bright being the owner got the information of who took gulf it was his family his older brother and sister they took gulf in the morning and mew, bright and win tired to find more about gulf but they couldn't yes they were rich or the richest people in Thailand but the gulf was no less his family too had a lot of money and if they want to hide something no one can ever find it so they decided to wait for gulf...

Mew - gulf my love please come back that's what mew prayed every day for his baby to return to him but no one could find out about him...

It's been three months now and no one knew about gulf, F4 was not F4 anymore without gulf mew was just a dead body now no smile no emotions and win too loved his bestie too much he stopped talking to mew to for hurting his best friend now F4 was just a dead body I guy not interested in having anything with others and bright who wanted to find gulf...

Next day -

Mew got ready his body was weak now he felt like giving up every day but he didn't want to he every day slept and woke up with a hope to find gulf but nothing happened....but today was something different he opened his phone was there was gossip about F4 everywhere...

The gulf is back guys the old gulf is back that's all he read.....

In university -

Mew win and bright entered as soon as mew entered one girl ran to him which boiled his blood...

Pam - mew hi baby how are you did you eat.

Bright - you still can come to is can talk bitch after you tried to kill our best friend.

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