(Unedited )
2 years later...
A girl was combing her hair infront
Of a mirror
Suddenly, a person back hugged her
And asked"Ooi khargosh, can you give me a kidney and help again..."😂🙈
"No khadoos...i have a kidney but i gived it to my husband."🙈😃
That girl repliedSumedh - 🙈❤️😘
Yes, it's none other than our sumellika
Mallika turned to front taking sindhoor in her hands and she nodded her head to sumedh...sumedh understanded what she want...
So, he taked a pinch of sindhoor in his hands and putted on her forehead...She smiled....
"Happy wedding anniversary"❤️
sumedh wished mallika"Happy wedding anniversary sumi"❤️
Mallika replied"Umm, i don't have any gift..." sumedh asked raising his eyebrows
"Yes, gift was there for you...but first we have to go to temple then, after that i will give you gift..."❤️😃 said mallika
"Umm,only gift is for me...or........🙈🤭😜 " sumedh asked mischievously
"Ooho" mallika giggled and softly pinched on his hands...🤭
After that mallika and sumedh goned to temple....
.In temple
Mallika and sumedh was praying to lord krishn...
After that mallika slowly opened her eyes and looked to sumedh...she seened that sumedh also looking at her"Sumedh...stop looking at me and pray to god" she wishpered to him
Mm.. mmh
He didn't obeyed her
"Umm, sumedh....pray to god.." said mallika
Sumedh nodded his head as no
That time mallika was going to beat him in his hands but she realized that she was in temple and everyone was there....
Mallika looked at sumedh
"I see my god in you"🙏🙏 sumedh telled to mallika....
Mallika smiled.....
After that she again prayed to god...💞❤💕
To be countinued.....
Next part updated.....
Hope you all will liked this part
So, finally our sumellika are married
And it's been 1 year....their first anniversary.......
And don't take it seriously
It's only a imagination of my lazy and naughty brain..😁😇
So, now i am going
Lots of love

Romanceshe loved him But....... he...... loved her or not or what happen when a small misunderstanding intercept them..... Starring - SUMEDH MUDGALKAR & MALLIKA SINGH ...