"Then listen... today i camed to your office for giving medicine to you...
But when i camed there, i seened a beautiful vision...you hugging a girl huh...who is the girl you hugged, haa...tell me who is the girl.... " mallika asked with anger"Huh...mallika....that is the reason why you behaved like this to me...huh..you just misunderstanded me..."
"I didn't misunderstanded you...what i telled that is truth
Now, tell me who is the girl you hugged..." mallika asked"Mikku, listen calmly...That girl is stella...stella grace..." said sumedh
"Ooho..so, that is stella..hmm.."💔😟
"Mallika, pls first listen to me..."
"Listen!...why i listen you..i know i seened that is right and i don't want to here anything more from you"😠 mallika said with anger
"Huh...mallika... Today stella got promotion...and that time she camed to my cabin with sweets..and i seened that, in her eyes there was tears so, i asked her that...why you're crying...
And she telled that...'this time..my parents are not with me..if they are with me...they will be happy..seeing their daughter got this good job'
So, i just consoled her...and that is the reason why i hugged her...💔🙏" said sumedh"Are wah.. super..super story... she telled her story..and just a name of console you hugged her..and i accepted what you said but tomorrow that girl will tell that.. in her house there is no one...then what you will do...haa..you will go with her right...😟😤" said mallika
Sumedh -...............
To be countinued
Hope you will liked this part
Next part will update soon
Lots of love
Author ~❤️Happy reading ❤️

Roman d'amourshe loved him But....... he...... loved her or not or what happen when a small misunderstanding intercept them..... Starring - SUMEDH MUDGALKAR & MALLIKA SINGH ...