Chapter Fifteen

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As much to your disappointment, Eren seemed to stay away for the entire night. It annoyed you since that was the whole reason you had even showed up, but Zeke had kept your fantastic company, so the hours went by fast.

"Do you want to head out?" You sighed after realizing Eren wasn't leaving his cherished seat next to Historia. "Sure, just let me use the restroom first?" Zeke replied, standing up. You nodded and watched him walk away. You sipped on the last remnants of your cocktail and boredly looked around. Your phone light up and you checked it.

It was a call from your mother.

You could feel yourself having chills and thoughts wrapped around your head. You felt nauseous, and it seemed like the sounds disappeared and all you could focus on was that stupid call.

You shoved your phone in your purse and paced to the nearest bathroom. Luckily, it was empty. You hastily turned on the water and drenched your face in the water. Your breathing had slowed down a bit, but you cursed yourself for being so dramatic. She can't do anything, you're free.

The door to the bathroom opened, and you slowly looked at the intruder.

Of course.

Historia stood there, and it seemed like the two of you stared at each other for hours. She finally moved and began washing her hands in the sink next to yours. "Finally, have some guilt or?" she sarcastically murmured. "What?" You replied. She finished washing her hands and shook the water of her hands in your direction. "I think we both know what I'm talking about," she scoffed. "I guess he has a type," she muttered, walking closer to you.

"Sweet, quiet, and clueless," she said with venom on her tongue. "I'm sorry?" You said bewildered. "No, you're not," she blurted. "Look," she began, looking you in the eye. "Just stay away, ok?". You scoffed, "Scared he'll choose me?". She let out a giggle. "We both know that won't happen." She touched my cheek. "Then why are you threatening me?" You raised your eyebrow. You knew Eren would never completely choose you because he had some weird loyalty to her, but it intrigued why Historia suddenly had been more jealous.

"Because I don't need any stains when I'm this close to what I've wanted for years," she muttered, holding on tighter to my face. She let go and walked away. You wondered how she kept her facade up 24/7 as you watched her. You grabbed your stuff and left as well.

"Ah, there you are. Where have you been?" Zeke asked as you approached him. "Bathroom" You replied. As you were about to mutter some lie, you saw Eren standing on the floor above, glaring at the two of you. He tried to make it oblivious, but you knew how those green eyes flickered when he got jealous. After all, you'd seen it countless times. Without thinking, you placed your hands through Zeke's blond hair and looked into his eyes. "He's watching, isn't he?" Zeke murmured, placing his hands on your waist. You nodded and Zeke drew in towards you.

It started out soft with his velvety lips, leaving a little pressure on yours. His arms grew stronger on your waist and your head was spinning. Your fingers had found their way towards the tip of his nape and softly tugged at his beautiful blonde hair. You could feel yourself losing your breath, but you pushed your body even closer towards him.

Your body shook and his groans played harmoniously in your ears. He stopped for a second and spoke, "You leave me so fucking breathless". You felt his lips brush against your collarbone and you couldn't help but flick your eyes and meet eyes his glaring green eyes. He shakes his head and scoffs. It looks like. You look away, not wanting to look at him longer, but you could feel a smirk coming.

You stare out at the passing buildings as you peacefully sat in Zeke's car. "So would you consider tonight a success?" He asked. You took your gaze from the spotless window towards him, "Yes".

He had arrived at your apartment, but you sat in his car. "That kiss..." He started. You smiled and tilted your head, "was?". He smirked and inched closer towards your face. You stared at him like the two of you were having a staring contest. You leaned in with your lips practically on his and set your hand on his thigh.

"Just kiss me already," you murmured. 

Your body shook when your lips contacted his like it had been craving it once again. This time you put more pressure on him and moved onto his neck. As you sucked on his neck, your hands roamed across his body. You tugged on his belt, but his hands grabbed yours. "Don't start something you can't finish". You sighed and adjusted your hair whilst still straddling him. Your dress had rolled up a bit, but you couldn't have cared less.

"Oh?" you mumbled as you ground into him. He groaned but put his hands on your waist. "What happened to-" You started, continuing grinding on him. "Shut up," He playfully said, interrupting you before burying his head on your neck.

You unzipped your dress whilst kissing Zeke. You could hear the pit-pat of the rain outside, but your ears seemed to notice Zeke's slow breaths and his car radio. He pulls you in closer and kisses your chest, roaming his hands along your chest. "Shit," you murmur, you weren't used to this much foreplay. As he rubs your nipple, you continue to rock against him and dig your nails into your jeans.

Hungrily kissing him, you begin to lower your hand until it reaches his pants for the 2nd time. You raise your brow and ask, "May I?". He nods and you continue. The car seems to get hotter and your legs were slightly cramped, but you felt too horny to care. "You're probably the sexiest girl I've ever met," Zeke says with his shallow breath. Just as Zeke moans, you hear a knock on the window, and both pause.

You realize the position you're in and leap off Zeke and messily zip your dress up. Zeke fixes his hair and zips his pants before rolling down his window.

There stands your elderly landlord. "Hey, Mr. Pyxis" You awkwardly say. "Wasn't sure if this was a good time..." He trails off, looking at Zeke intently. No, it was definitely a terrible time, you thought, but replied, "No, of course not! We were just, um, talking!". Zeke looked over at you, finding this entire exchange humorous. "Alright... just wanted to remind you that parking isn't allowed on this side of the road," He muttered. "Sorry, my bad," Zeke said with his charming smile. "It's no problem son, just remember next time," Pyxis said with his more calm demeanor. "Alright, enjoy a good night, you two," He says, winking at you before strolling away.

You bury your head mortified and think of quickly leaving the scene. "So, he seemed nice," Zeke says, smirking. "God, I think this is going to haunt me forever" You groan from embarrassment. The moment had been ruined, and you did not want to talk about what had happened before the two of you were interrupted. After all, Zeke was just a prop.

"Thank you again for coming today," you blurted as you got out of his car. "No problem, Schatz". You impulsively lean in and kiss him before closing the car door. You were getting wet, but you felt so bubbly despite the embarrassment that ensued earlier and quickly walked up your apartment stairs to escape the rain. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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