Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

I was running late for my radio station appearance. After I hung up with Logan I got dressed at a leisurely pace. I had absentmindedly selected a white cotton t-shirt and ripped light blue skinny's. I slipped my feet in any thing that jumped out to me, which so happened to be cobalt stilettoes. Once I was fully dressed my stomach decided at that moment to make its pleas known. I didn't have anything prepared to eat so I had to make a meal for myself. That little delay slowed me down considerably. So here I was in the back of Harold's cabbie nervously flexing my wrists as we winded through traffic.

"Feeling better?" Harry asked peeking at me from the rearview mirror

"Uh-yea" I stuttered in response tucking a wisp of fallen hair behind my ear.

Harold hummed an understanding and raised the volume on the radio. He was definitely playing the father figure role at this point. His nonchalance was enough to make me crack and spill my guts, whatever the hell they may contain. We pulled up to the station a little over twenty minutes late. I jumped out quickly after handing Harry his pay and practically ran through the front doors and up the steps. In the hallway I was met by an irritated looking Logan. He was pacing back and forth in front of the glass doors. Clearly he was angry. I approached him hesitantly.

"Hey. Um so-" I tried to say

"You're late." He cut me off stopping mid pace. "Where's your phone?"

"I must have left it in Stella's car." I answered quietly. We lie now Cat?!

"Hey. Ah sorry but we're ready to start back" a familiar throaty voice said behind Logan

My eyes widened in embarrassment as I realized Gavin and the entire band was here, in the station, right now. I must have been in an entirely different world because I vaguely remembered Logan calling my name. When I finally did snap out of the trance I realized I was alone outside and Logan had long went in and sat at his position. I walked into the room and all eyes landed on me, everyone except Gavin. He was too engrossed in his cellphone to pay any attention. A little part of me felt upset by this.

"And we are back, this is The Zone 104.2" Frank piped as the intro music dwindled down "We have Gateway in the building, fresh off their tour stop in town last night! How was that guys?" he asked them

"It was awesome! San Fran is a great crowd!" Jarrett responded first

"Thanks to all the fans for coming out!" Dustin included with a bright smile

"Speaking of fans. We also have our contest winner Catalina joining us!" Frank jumped in directing all attention to me

"Running a little late there buddy" Mikey said teasingly

"Uh. I'm here now" I said flustered hoping to draw attention away from me

"Had a long night there Cat?" Frank probed. I knew what he was getting at "I heard from the guys you went to the after party as well. How was that?"

Logan's eyes widened and he let out a startled gasp earning stares from all the men in the room. Gavin became alert in that very moment once he caught wind of Logan's reaction. Logan cleared his throat in an effort to deflect from the curious stares, while I shifted nervously in my seat.

"It was-uh, good. I had fun." I replied with a shy smile

"Fun? An understatement! She was bananas!" Mikey cut in earning a chorus of laughter from the rest of the guys. "The Brits sure know how to party! You have to come out with us again sometime. With your friends too."

I flushed in embarrassment as the guys traded stories of my behavior last night. On air no less! All of which were new to me. I could feel the accusatory stares from Logan. He was sitting silently the whole time, not a word left his lips. I was convinced all the attention shifted from me once they began discussing their next tour stop and future singles. But boy was I wrong.

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