Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Gav. I knew instantly who he was. Those eyes were unforgettable. I wasn't sure he recognized me, given our current distance, and hell it had been eight months since our plane ride together. But the feeling I got when he stared at me was confirmation enough. I averted my eyes as my gyrating body slowly came to a halt. I needed to get off the stage. I started to back up slowly taking my time as to not draw too much attention to myself. Gavin was still staring at me, as though he forgot he was live on stage. His eyebrow quirked when he realized I was retreating and a slow smile spread across his face.

"Don't be shy" he voiced in his all to throaty tone. "Come here. I want you to help me with this one" he continued still looking in my direction "C'mon y'all lets give our contest winner a round of applause!"

The crowd began screaming and clapping, urging me to step beside him. Most of the women, I was sure was envious that I was in this position. Hell I was envious of my own position. I snuck a glance at Penny and Stella shooting them pleading stares to save me. As expected they cheered and hollered for me to go back towards him. I sighed heavily and calmly walked back towards him. My heels clicked the whole way towards the stage and Gav watched me intently. Once I stood firmly beside him he held my hand and drew me in closer. The physical contact surprised me. I felt goose bumps dance up my arm from the simple gesture.

"You're going to help us with this song right?" he asked the crowd. They all cheered their agreement.

The music picked up from the slow hum into the full instrumental. He released my hand and began playing his guitar along with the melody. Gav resumed singing occasionally beckoning me to join. I tried my best as we shared the mic. After the first hook I felt comfortable on the stage and really got into it. I stopped singing along and opted to dance instead. He continued to serenade the crowd, all the while watching me fiercely in my eyes. I held his gaze as my body swayed along to the beat. Eventually I tore them away from him and closed them getting lost in the moment.

Once the song finished I stood beside him smiling to the cheering fans. I felt as though they were cheering for me, when in all actuality, he was the star. He shifted the guitar and reached for my hand again.

"Let's give it up for her!" he shouted.

I smiled in response and practically sprinted to the side of the stage. We watched the remainder of the show enjoying every last moment of it up on stage. After it was over the guys said their goodbyes and ducked off to their dressing rooms. Security directed us backstage as well. We headed off to the bathroom to freshen up, fully aware that we would be meeting the band in a few. Once we were inside the bathroom, Stella and Penny began reapplying makeup and fixing their hair. I quickly freshened up, smoothing out my own hair and spritzing body spray on as well.

"I think he likes you!" Penny smirked as she fluffed her red curls in the mirror "He was practically undressing you with his eyes"

"What!" I shrieked surprised "No-no he wasn't" I blushed

"Oh yes he was!" Stella agreed leaning against the sink "Gavin is pretty damn hot. You should be super pumped!"

I didn't respond, instead I smiled and headed towards the door as we heard a faint knock.

"Lets go ladies. The band is waiting" the guard from earlier informed us, ushering us out the facilities.

We walked up a long corridor until we got to a black door. Several people were lined in the hall chatting animatedly. Looked to be management, lucky fans and a few press. He opened the door quickly and led us through the doors. Music was playing loudly and a few people were playing a round of video games on the large monitor against the wall. There were girls in the room lounging on the plush black couch, but they were too engrossed in their own mirrors to notice a thing. A long steel table of snacks and drinks lined another wall, as a few other people chatted beside it.

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