Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

There is something about being in the arms of another. It's a different feeling altogether really. It varies from person to person. As a young child when you are hurt and your parents come to the rescue, it's comforting when they hold you. As though everything will magically become all right thanks to their touch. When you fall in love for the first time, being in the embrace of your partner is on another level. It's as though you are somehow complete. With Arnold that's how I felt, well thought I felt. Seven long years you would hope that this person's ultimate goal was to complete you mentally, emotionally, and physically. But alas, that was not what we had.

As I stand here, my hands resting casually on Gavin's shoulders, his grasping my waist, I felt something different. Bloody hell! That word; "different", so redundant I know. I'm just unsure how else to describe it. I didn't know what else to call it. It was unusual. I knew nothing about the man except that he was an incredibly brilliant musician. What was his last name for heavens sake? His favorite color, how many siblings did he have? Where was he born? Yes I could very well Google him and find almost all of this but that takes away from it.

He knew nothing about me except that I hail from England, read romantic books, and have an idiot boyfriend. Ok that's a lot of somethings but it was still nothing. I guess what I am trying to sputter out is that I didn't mind his big hands burning a hole through the lacey fabric of my dress. I didn't mind his grey eyes drilling a mark through the side of my face. I didn't mind his minty scent wafting into my nose and clouding my airway. I didn't mind anything about him, or lack there of. I liked-

"I'm sorry for storming away from you at the station" Gavin said, disrupting my thoughts "And for leaving you in such a position I suppose. I'm sorry Catalina"

He had never said my full name before and my God did it sound perfect.

"I apologize for nipping at you. Entirely out of character for me." I replied, still refusing to meet eye contact. I figure the best way to get out everything I wanted and needed to say was to avoid his stare completely.

"Have you given any thought to what I asked?"


"The tour. I-we want you and your friends to come with us for the rest of it. Will you?" I knew he was looking at me, I could feel his concentrated stare more than ever. But I continued to fixate my attention on the reflection the color changing light casted on the polished floor.

"I don't think that would be such a good idea" my response came out quiet, as though I wasn't too sure of it myself.

"I see" He released his hold on waist after a few more minutes, "Thank you for the dance." He smiled at me in a lopsided grin, "Enjoy the rest of the party and take care of yourself Catalina"

I watched him stride away and join the rest of his band mates. A weird chill descended over me. Just like that he had walked away from me. Not even a backwards glance. I don't know why I expected more, given how bonkers I had been operating since the show. But I still somehow managed to feel rejected.

Gateway had long left San Francisco to continue their tour. Since that night at the lounge I had heard nothing from Gavin or any mention of the band. But what did I expect? The remainder of the month went by like a blur. Logan still hadn't spoken to me and I stopped caring if he did. He did not need a whole month to get his thoughts in order to have a conversation. Whatever this was, it was something more. I refused to tune into his radio program as well. Penny ended up joining the band on the road for two more shows before returning home. Her and Jarrett have gotten really close according to her and even though I was thrilled I was a bit peeved. That should have been me, right? But as always I played it safe.

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