Chapter Seven

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She used to think all those stories she read about 'My boyfriend whose heart belongs to another' was all an illusion writers created for their readers. That was until she met Max in her hunting. She was in the field investigating on case few years back when he met him. He was detective back then and was dating Rachel even if they were not exclusive. He spared her no attention as all of him was dedicated to Rachel and she liked him silently. They were all working in different agencies and therefore they rarely met but that did not mean she did not ask about him. She secretly stalked him and had been efficient in it until Ted her best friend and work colleague found her in her hunt on the socials. She made sure to like every photo Max posted even if, it involved him and Rachel. Her line of work did not allow her to frequent the social media platforms but when chances arose she did.

She had made a breakthrough in case before she was transferred to Rachel's case two years ago. It was hard at first because she somehow harboured some hatred for her because she was with Max, her secret crush. The one assigned to it had fallen ill and since her boss saw potential in her he gave her the case. Few days later Max joined their agency. He was not enrolled into her team and after two years of worked side by side on other cases he was into her team. She had yet to ask him why he was demoted form being a detective. It always seemed to be a topic he was never comfortable with.

Over the days they had worked together they got close as two colleagues can get and she had to cramp down her feelings for him. She was glad to hear they had parted ways with Rachel and one of those days when he was looking for a rebound the hooked up. It was one of the nights that she did not want to talk about. A one night stand is all it will ever be to him but to her it meant more.

She sighed she had hoped that over his separation with Rachel she would finally have him but she was wrong. He still loved her. She remembered the look of lust on his face when she had walked in on her place. She wanted to crawl her eyes out because she had to be doing it on purpose. Did she not find the time to put on some pants and had to meet them in her robe? Times like these were the ones that made her feel like she should give up on the case.

Then she would remember she had a face to save, a job to protect and a boss to impress or she would never make it in the corporate ladder if she upset her clients. She would have never insisted on Max joining the case but one word from the boss and here she was nursing her split lip that Max had not paid attention too as he was busy calming Rachel. She was never one to hate people but Rachel was tugging on her nerves. She did not blame her she blamed her heart for being easy to fall for someone who still was in-love with another. She knew if she let it happen she would lose her job. She was able to hide her emotions where Max was concerned and she would soon go back to that. Was it hard for him to love her like she loved him? She did not care about the rank but she would give anything for Max to look at her the way he looks at Rachel despite being broken up for two years. She remembered the way his jaw had tensed when Ronald said was ravishing and how he was quick to throw a punch when a got closer to her. MEN!!!

for him she had gone against every rule in her book including the one to never chase a man but Max made her chase. She followed him around like a puppy and made sure to give him assignments that were less life threatening but he always seemed to love the thrill before the fight or a mission. Looking at them embracing in front of her was like a stab in the heart but those feelings needed to be placed aside even if the last two months have been such a roller coaster for her. She needed to clobber them for her job. It cannot go on like this. Watching your situation (boyfriend) with his ex. Yet you are working on the case together. It would explain why he never wanted to label their relationship.

"Chloe am sorry." He had said. She had almost forgotten they were in his jeep. She was rambling in her head that the present had failed to make contact with her brain until he spoke. She glared at him. She would not talk to him unless it was matters of work. She was raising her guards she had let them down for way too long.

"Chloe." He called again. When she did not answer he ran his hand frustratedly through his hair. She smiled but quickly recovered from it. She always loved that gesture but he had to suffer for toying with her feelings.

"Can we go now Ted has some job waiting for us." She said in a cold manner. She was now on poker face mode. She had just finished dubbing her lip and discarded the cotton wool.

"You really not going to talk to me are you?" He turned towards her. She looked straight ahead and continued to ignore him before he sighed and ignited the jeep and headed towards the precinct.


Rachel went to check up on Sofia after the commotion down stairs had been sorted. She had left strict instructions that Ronald should under no circumstance be let into the premises or she would file a restraining order and fire her guards. She walked down the corridor and into Bianca's room where Sofia was currently sleeping. She needed to make sure they had not woken her up throw all the fracas. She gently opened the door and was relieved to find her still sound asleep. She had left her earlier to talk to the detective. She just hopped she would not panic when she woke up and not find her not there. She shut is slowly and walked towards the kitchen. She found John busy trying to prepare her tray and the other helps running up and down the kitchen to make sure her breakfast was in order. She sighed. It was not what she had expected but she could take a break.

"Everyone finish what you are doing quickly and clear the kitchen." They all scurried and within minutes they were ready to exit.

"Well now that that is done, have a seat." she said indicating the seats around the island. It was a modern kitchen with everything marble and painted either white or black. It all looked exquisite courtesy of her hard work.

"Now where is that breakfast John?" He stood and carried the heavy tray to her. She flipped the silver lids and salivated at the sight.

"hmmm yum. Now sit down and join them while you feast I will make breakfast for me and Sofia." The three helps and john were all dumb struck. She had never visited the kitchen until last night. They wondered if she still knew how everything worked. It was a side they were now liking. Her in action like she should be.

"Where is the flour?" They pointed towards the pantry and she came back with all the ingredients she required and started making the paste. She hoped she could still remember what her mother had taught her many years ago. After the first few minutes feeling like she was struggling in the kitchen she finally got a grip and was moving efficiently like she had been there everyday. It all smelled so sweet and the breakfast the helps had made did not compare. Ok she was exaggerating but pancakes were her forte. They made her feel lively and amazing. She was on her last pancake when the noise at the far end of the kitchen interrupted her.

"Rachel.." It was Sofia with the shy voice but she loved every bit of it. She was there in the Sofia the first purple Pjs she had dressed her in the previous night. Rachel was about to go check up on her but she seemed to have found her way to the kitchen.

"Hello Sofia. Good morning. Breakfast is served. Come and have a sit with me." She said gesturing she join them. She moved shyly with her head low to avoid making eye contact with the rest and moved closer to Rachel as if her life depended on it.

Once they were seated Rachel served her with the pancakes and some milk since she did not want the juice. Rachel was surprised when Sofia took blue berries and added them to her pancakes. It all looked like she had travelled through time and was taken back to when life had been beautiful with Ronald why was Sofia exuding characteristics like her ex? He used to love blue berry pancakes and the way she held her fork seemed like she was left handed how had she failed to notice this yesterday? She watched as she ate in silence and it all seemed like time was moving in slow motion. Sofia did not even spare her her attention because it was all on the pancakes in her plate. How she wished life could just stay like this forever. She wished she was Bianca. Where are you Bianca? She asked. She wandered.

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