Chapter Sixteen

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Liam had hoped that spending a few days with Rachel would help him conquer his addiction, but instead, it had intensified. He was seated in his office, trying to make sense of the numbers in front of him, but his brain kept drifting back to her. On a typical day, he'd work tirelessly before mid-morning, attend corporate meetings, and make site visits in the afternoon. But his brain had other plans; it only craved Rachel.

Just as his thoughts were spiraling, his friend Marcus barged into Liam's office, an all-knowing grin on his face. "For someone who's been to honeymoon and back, you don't seem sexed up. Trouble in paradise?"

Liam, feeling defensive, retorted, "How about you stop poking your nose into my business?"

Marcus settled into one of the sofas in Liam's office and continued to tease him. "I'd stop if you'd stop being so closed off. So, how's married life?"

Liam corrected Marcus, "We're not married, so don't officiate things prematurely. And it's complicated." He sighed and leaned back in his chair.

Curiosity piqued, Marcus pressed on, "What's the problem? I actually do care about it, especially when my friend ended up on the front page of the Times in a compromising embrace with someone he claims to have a 'complicated' relationship with." He helped himself to a drink from Liam's personal liquor cabinet and offered one to Liam.

As Liam contemplated how much to share, Marcus chugged his drink and pressed further. Liam finally relented, blurting out, "She was married before, to a guy named Ronald. They had a child who was kidnapped eight years ago, and I think I'm more deeply involved with her than I've let on. So, I asked Volkov to help me join the search for her child." He spilled it all out in a single breath, then downed his drink in one go.

Marcus was taken aback, letting out a low whistle. "Wow, that is a lot to take in."

"So why involve Volkov I know he's your friend and all but he is dangerous. As lethal as they come." He was cautious he knew Liam too well. Any threat to his childhood friend would eliminate anything serious they had going.

"Don't you think I know that Marcus? We need answers to puzzles that should have been solved eight years ago and a mom would have had a normal parenthood with her beautiful family. But now she is broken and there seem to be very powerful people pulling the strings to stop any valuable information from reaching her. She is desperate and if am the source of any normalcy in her life I will gladly take it. Even if it means we go the mafia way." Veins throbbed in his head. He took a long breath before he settled in.

They were quiet until Marcus broke the silence among them.

"How did she trust you with all this information of your first day?" He was perturbed.

"She didn't I stumbled upon a guest in her house right after I found out who she is and she broke down. Am pretty sure if things were not as overwhelming as they were that night she would have had her guard up like she did on our first night." He rubbed his hands on his face.

Marcus stood and refilled their drinks.

"Sucks to be you man, but we love who we love."

"Tell me about it. What I find more troubling is the fact that her husband left her immediately after their baby got abducted. I have two theories." Marcus paused before he sat back down and lifted his feet on the coffee table.

"She told you that too?"

"No but an article did. It had all the details about their messy break-up." He got lost in thought.

"Wow you actually did your homework." He mused.

"I did now listen to my theories. Either the husband was working with the abductors and paid a hefty amount to the police to kill the case or He wanted a divorce and their missing kid was his way out." He grimaced he did not like the sound of that.

"Woah hold it, Sherlock. What makes you say that?" Marcus mused.

"Why would you abandon your wife when she is in crisis? You should be her rock one who gets her back on her feet. The other reason is the way he has been tampering with the investigation and he is never cooperative" He ran his fingers through his hair.

Marcus leaned back in his seat, contemplating Liam's analysis. "Those are some bold theories, my friend. But they do make sense, especially considering her ex-husband's behavior."

Liam nodded, his mind still racing. "It's all too suspicious. I'm determined to find out the truth, for Rachel's sake."

Marcus, ever the supportive friend, offered some encouragement. "Well, you know you've got my support. If you ever need assistance or a fresh perspective on things, just let me know."

Liam appreciated the offer. "Thanks, Marcus. I might take you up on that. For now, let's keep this between us. I don't want Rachel to think I'm prying into her personal life."

"Of course," Marcus agreed, and they clinked their glasses in a silent toast to friendship and the mysteries that lay ahead.

As Liam and Marcus continued their discussion, delving into the intricacies of Rachel's situation, Liam's phone rang suddenly, breaking the conversation's flow. With an apologetic look at Marcus, Liam answered the call.

"Excuse me, Marcus," Liam said as he stepped out of his office, closing the door behind him.

Marcus took the opportunity to stand up and walk toward the office window, giving Liam some privacy. From his vantage point, he could see Liam's stern expression as he spoke into the phone.

After a few minutes, Liam re-entered the office, looking visibly concerned. "I have to go, Marcus," he said urgently. "My sister just woke up from her coma, and I need to be there. Can you handle things here for a while?"

"Of course, Liam," Marcus replied, nodding. "Family comes first. Let me know if you need anything."

Liam hurried out of the office, leaving Marcus behind. He quickly dialed the number of his sister's caretakers, demanding an update on her condition. As he paced back and forth, he questioned whether the doctor was present and if they were doing everything possible to ensure his sister's well-being. The urgent and determined tone in his voice conveyed his unwavering commitment to his family, even in the midst of the complex situation surrounding Rachel and her missing child.

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