Chapter Twelve

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Rachel was about to speak when the doorbell rang, interrupting her. She turned to see who was there and was surprised to find Liam standing at her doorstep. Her heart sank as she realized that maybe she had hoped he would forget about her too soon. After all, her husband had left her "for being too careless with their daughter". The shock of seeing Liam was evident as she struggled to compose herself.

Everything felt too much. It was all too heavy for her heart to bear. It felt like this whole day had been visitors after the other and everything came crashing down and she was not ready for it.

First, she finds a stranded girl on the streets who is almost Bianca's age, Then her ex-husband supposedly shows up after eight years of no contact other than sabotaging her investigations.

As if all that is not enough her friend whom she hasn't seen in eight years suddenly shows up claiming that she was in line to inherit billions worth of inheritance that her nana gave ultimatums to. Then now Liam is in her house. What could go wrong?

Looks like today is a men's day. Not forgetting Max's appearance. The walls felt like they were warping. Her throat clogged and air wasn't coming in or out.

"Hey, it's alright ....just breath...." Why did he feel so far away? What is happening?

"You are having a panic attack.....breath through your mouth ...." Why was Liam crouching before her?

"Hey, come on love stay with me." The sound was closer now.

The world was slowly stabilizing. Not spinning like a while ago.

"There she is." He smiled again that boyish smirk that she was slowly getting used to and admiring. His face was vaguely familiar but she could not place it.

It had nothing to do with her drunken stupor. She could have sworn they had met before that fateful night.

"Hey Rachel, are you feeling alright?" Came the gentle voice of Sofia. She quickly sobered up like every adult in the presence of a minor. Though the haze was still present.

"Yeah am fine. Hey uhm this is Liam a friend of mine. Liam this is Sofia my Charge." She quickly did the introduction.

"Hi, Liam." She said shyly while raising her right arm then started fidgeting.

"My, aren't you a charmer? No need to be scared kid, am a friend." He was a little taken by the kid and found himself wanting to know more about her in the few minutes that they had been introduced.

"Ok. How about you go check what John prepared as a snack for then you can play with your toys in your room." She eased the features on her face to not show Sofia the tremors in her hands.

Sofia was all but excited as this was a golden opportunity her family had never allowed her such privileges but she would never complain. It left her a little sad thinking about her family and where they could be potentially. Maybe they had all forgotten about her but she had Rachel now and she was so nice to her like a mother and she loved it.

She hopped towards the kitchen but not before voicing how glad she was at meeting Liam.

"So what brings you to my humble abode?" Rachel asked as she took a shaky breath and then took her seat. Liam smiled broadly before he tugged at his pants and sat beside her. Not caring for privacy invasion.

"Well considering you left me no clue I should be the one doing the interrogation don't you think." He was jesting and she could see it through the mirth in his eyes. She wondered when it had become so easy for them to be comfortable around each other's company yet they hardly knew each other.

"Oh, and I wouldn't call it humble it is anything but humble with its outstanding look. This looks fantastic." He gave the place a once over and was impressed with what he saw.

"Well thank you. I guess I should enjoy it before I run out of funds since my husband is hell-bent on making me go bankrupt." She did not miss the slight change in his facial appearance.

"You are married?" It wasn't the question he wanted to ask but guessing from the way she causally let him know there was another man in her life it was inevitable.

"Mmmmh" she did not want to elaborate further that they had separated and prolonged the whole story about the divorce and Bianca missing. She thought pretending to be still tied to her ex would send him scramming. It was the exact reason she did not share any info regarding her when they met because she fears what Liam makes her feel.

" As long as I don't see a ring on your finger you are not spoken for so don't think you are going to get rid of me that easily." He leaned back on the seat casually as if he had not propositioned her.

"Liam i.." She was about to inform him that whatever was happening would never work out and that it was better they call it quits but one of the maids walked in with refreshments and started serving them.

"Worry not I know what you will say," Liam said casually. He was used to closing business deals and he knew how to work his partners or clients and that not being the case with Rachel he knew how bad news were delivered and they all started with name addresses.

"That you are not ready and that this is all too much. You don't need another distraction in your life since you already have a lot on your plate but getting rid of me is going to take more than a few words and name omissions and ex-husband involvement. Yep, I know you were married then divorced then obsessive ex's, and their ys. I read your file don't crucify me but am here to stay and am not going anywhere." He had schooled his features to be the businessman that clients feared but that never worked on Rachel. She was in a different world separated from reality. A world where his baritone was doing wonders to the valley between her thighs.

Was she imagining it or was he an Alpha male who inserted himself in your life with no prior warning? She cleared her throat and shook her head to get rid of all the unwanted thoughts.

"Am not sure I should be comfortable with you doing a background check on me." She said being all serious and businesslike.

"Am sorry but I needed to find you so I had to work with what I had even my composite drawings could not help find you. Then I happen to visit a church and voila I see the one who founded it. Pretty clever of you to throw me scraps when the real meat walks away." He was annoyed now. For the time it took to find her and now he could not believe his eyes that she was right beside him magnificent as ever.

"I see you did your homework congratulations." She took a sip of her wine and smiled flirtatiously.

A few hours into them enjoying each other and laughing away their troubles John had interrupted their shameless flirting.

"Excuse me, ma'am, there are people here to see you." She had not expected any other visitor since Liam arrived and selfishly enough she did not want to be disturbed while enjoying his full attention that was until they said the purpose of their visit.

"We are here for the girl...Sofia." Her world came to an end.

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