chapter 8

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Caitlin: No Mell. we'll take the .... 

Before Caitlin could finish her sentence, Mel had already run them to star labs.. 

Caitlin: car..  Warn me next time before you go that mel 

Mell: Sorry mum 

Caitlin: It's fine. 

Suddenly the room filled with laughter, which made Caitlin and Mell realise they were not alone. There in front of them stood Cisco, Barry and iris laughing at that moment but they soon stopped when they noticed they had been noticed. 

Barry: Sorry 

Mell: It's fine. 

caitlin: So why was we needed today? 

Cisco: I think I have a way of making a cure. but I need to test some things with Mell in my  lab for the day. 

Mell: Sure.  As long as mum is ok with me helping? 

Caitlin: Go ahead Mell. I can trust your godfather to treat you well 


Caitlin: Yes Cisco you are Mell's godfather. 

Cisco almost faints in shock before cheering 

Cisco: Come on Mell. You are spending the day with your uncle Cisco 

Mell giggles before both of them go to Cisco's lab. 

Mell: Wow this is a cool lab! 

Cisco:  I know right.  I have everything I have ever needed in here. 

Mell: I can see that. Anyway, shall we get working on the cure? 

Cisco:  yes we can

~time skip brought to you by me failing science~

Cisco and Mell have been working on the cure for a couple of hours and by now, it was 1:30 pm. Cisco was slowly eating a yogurt as he continues to work on the cure and Mell's….. well mell is half sleep on the lab table while eating a energy bar.  Cisco looks over to her  

Cisco: Hey you ok? you look like zombie. 

Mell: Well geezs thank you uncle Cisco. 

Cisco: I'm just asking 

Mell: Yes I'm fine, just tired 

Cisco: Why? didn't you sleep last night? 

mell: yeah I did but I had a nightmare in the middle of it 

Cisco: What was it about? 

Mell: Non of your business pea brain 

Cisco: Hey that's not nice, I'm just trying to help.  

mell: Fine it was about amunet and Dave
Cisco: What happened in the nightmare?  

Mell: they were angry because I…. i talked to mum and you guys.. they said they were going to punish me. 

Cisco: Well there dead now aren't they? they can't hurt you. 

Mell: I know. but it still scary you know? 

cisco: Yeah I understand Mell 

Mell sighs 

Cisco: Well this needs to be left alone for 24 hours now so why don't you and I go to the arcade for a couple of hours? 

Mell: I don't know what that Is but it sounds so fun so let's go!!! 

Cisco: here's the address, Want to run us there? 

Mell nods, reads the address, grabs Cisco's arm and runs them  there 

What will happen next? read on to find out

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