Chapter 10

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Caitlin woke up the next morning to the sound of whimpering in pain. She quickly gets up and rushes to Mell's room to find Mell curled up on her bed trying not to scream out in pain.  Caitlin quickly ran over to her and sat next to her 

Caitlin: Shhhs what's wrong?  Are you in pain?

Mell nods 

Caitlin:  Can you tell me or point to where? 

Mell whimpers in pain before mumbling 

Mell: all

Caitlin: Do you know why you're in pain? Did something happen? 

Mell: Don't…. don't wanna…. don't wanna age. 

Caitlin: Are you trying to fight the speed aging? 

Mell whimpers loudly in pain as she nods 

Caitlin: You can't fight it sweety. The cure will be done in a couple of hours which means this will be the last time you speed age. please let it happen. 

Mell was about to respond when she lets out a scream of pain and passes out. Caitlin quickly picks her up and puts her in the car. She calls Cisco through the bluetooth speaker. 

'Cisco here. What do you need caity?' 

"Is the cure nearly done?" 

'wow you sound panicked. Are you ok?' 

"Mell was fighting the speed aging and has passed out from pain. I'm on my way to star labs. So is the cure nearly done?" 

'nearly just needs a few more minutes'

"Ok please get someone to set up the med room for mell" 

'will do' 

"thank you Cisco, bye" 

'bye caity' 

Cisco hangs up. Caitlin soon gets to star labs. She picks Mell up and rushes inside with her. She gets to the med room and puts Mell down on the bed before connecting her to all the medical machines to check her status.  She watched in fear as Mell seemed to age in looks. Suddenly Cisco runs in, safely carrying an injection..

Caitlin: Is that the cure for the speed aging? 

Cisco: Yes it is.  you need to inject it into the vein in her wrist 

Cisco passes Caitlin the injection as Caitlin nods. She quickly finds the injection and holds her breath as she injects the cure into Mell's veins. Caitlin didn't release the breath she was holding until Mell's eyes slowly flutter open.

Mell: W-What happened? 

Caitlin: You passed out after trying to fight the speed aging. I got her here and Cisco gave you the cure but not before you aged one more time. You're 14 now. 

mell: Oh 

Caitlin: How do you feel?  

Mell: I feel……… Amazing.  

Caitlin: That's good.

Mell suddenly hugs Cisco and Caitlin tightly. Said people hug her back 

Mell: Thank you 

Caitlin: You're welcome, mell 

Cisco: You're welcome Icy..

Barry suddenly walks in as they all pull away from the hug but no one notices. 

Mell: So what now? 

Barry: Now we have a race around the speed lab and we start your training to be a new hero.

Everyone jumps and looks at barry in shock

Mell: Wait really? I get to be a hero? 

Cisco: yes you do 

Mell: Did you agree with this mum? 

Caitlin: Yes I did.

Mell cheers before running off to the speed lab and everyone following her..

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