[non of the property's used here belong to me. As I will eventually use an inspired character off the scp foundation I must credit so here, https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/tanhony-s-proposal-ii. The author of the character is Tanhony. Now on with the story.]
Fire, fire everywhere the once-prosperous city of Fuyuki had gone up in flames brought forth by the absolute evil of humanity known as Angra Mainyu.
A young child forces himself to move through the fire, his hair is white as the brightest of snow and his eyes are as gold as the lord's greatest of treasures. Hearing screams all around as family's are burned to ash and children are crushed by the falling buildings. Yet he moves on unable to stop like his body is making one last push towards the distant horizon hoping for survival.
His body begins to break as his origin activates to full capacity. The holiest of fire spreads out from his body. A boy born with the blessings of the lord, if it was not for this great fire the Vatican would have soon arrived in the city taking this boy and training him to become the pope.
But these holy fires that should be used for blessings and kindness are currently fighting a war within the young boy's body. As the darkest of flames representing all of the evils of the world come crashing down into his soul desperately trying to take this body for themselves. As this young boy has an interesting composition a strange blessing that is perfect for fires. The mythical True Flame Body, it makes him the perfect vessel for the evils of humanity to lay within.
With a crack and a scream, his mana circuits explode within his body! The two flames ravenous fighting quickly causing the boy's origin to fall apart. Nearing the breaking point of shattering the young boy reaches for his chest grasping the two flames within his body and forcing them into his origin for one last balls to the wall play.
He attempts to do the impossible and establish an equilibrium.
As the two flames crash into each other he forces them to circle each other reminiscent of the ancient yin yang symbol of Taoism. And despite all odds being against him this surprisingly works as the young boy falls unconscious. The pain of having his body remade and destroyed thousands of times is far too much for the child.But despite the mind being asleep, the body was not, as the fire slowly began to spin within his origin, the flames beginning to realize the huge benefits of coexistence. As they helped each other more and more the symbol span faster and faster as all rules of the universe were broken and a feat comparable to that of true magic occurred!
A small flame erupted from the centre of the symbol the perfect flame!
Nothing evil nor holy just pure and utter fire capable of burning an enemy through their concepts!
And this was only the beginning rapidly all of the fire began to unite in the middle permanently altering his origin beyond imagination.
Despite lacking any sort of magic circuits now he was a mage beyond many of the clock towers finest. As a magic core slowly but surely began to form in his body.A man runs through the flames carrying a young child desperately hoping to save another. This man was the accidental creator of this grand catastrophe, the magus killer Kiritsugu Emiya. In his hand lays a future hero of justice Shirou Emiya as he runs with the child in hand looking for survivors he comes across a place where the flames are much stronger than usual he sees a child laying down in the centre of the flames. Choosing to sacrifice his safety he runs into the flames saving the young child.
Soon bringing them to the hospital he looks at the two children he's soon to adopt and their files seeing their names he records them to memory. He then looks back at his wife and daughter. Looking at them always made him feel better no matter the crimes he's just committed.
Looking at the boys he notices that to his surprise Shirou seems to have magic circuits. Looking at the other child he picked up he noticed something odd. he does seemingly have the veins where magic circuits should be but no magic circuits?Pondering it for a moment he concludes that young y/n here must be a descendant of a long-dead magic family. Not noticing the magic core slowly forming itself within y/n body. He looks at Shirou
Beginning to wake he decides to tell Shirou something he believes that y/n can never learn about. The magic world, this choice will haunt him for many, many years."Shirou, I'm a magus"
[fatestaynight] King of fire
ActionA king forged in the fires of the evils of humanity Unlike the hero of justice who always looks towards his past He runs towards the Future! BURN BURN BURNNNNNN LET THE WORLD SCREAM FOR THE KING BURNS ALL THAT STANDS IN HIS WAY!