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Geun-Tae POV

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Geun-Tae POV

Chul-rang ran into my room, babbling about something. He was throwing clothes at me and told me to there was someone important here.

"Chul-rang, why don't you deal with them? I don't feel like doing anything today."

"No, I can't do that. It's King Soo-won and Han Joo-Doh of the Sky tribe." This should be interesting if the stuck-up Joo-Doh is here.

"I greet the king. May I ask why you are here without prior notice?" I see Joo-doh turn red as I didn't address him.

"I apologize but may I ask you a favor. Do you have anything to drink? It was quite the distance we traveled, and I'm quite parched." I send Chul-rang to get tea. When he came back, my wife was with him.

"Hello, King Soo-won. I hope you can enjoy this tea, I brewed." Oh no, she giving him that crap.

"It's absolutely delicious. Where did you get leaves tea leaves?" What? Does he actually like it? I busted out laughing as it was probably a noble thing.

"You should sel-"

"She's already in the process of that. A little birdy told her of the idea." I leaned back onto the pillar as Joo-doh fussed.

"How dare you cut off the king? Do you have no manners?"

"Joo-doh are you jealous that you're still a virgin?" He pulled his sword out to attack me but Soo-won stopped him. "Thats enough. I'd like to meet this little bird of yours. For now, I would like to hold a small gamer as if it were a real battle. Will you be up for that?"

Battle? Alright! "Oh. Sounds exciting, we'll hold it in a week from now. I'll provide the soldiers who will be on your team. Let's have a good time, now if you'll excuse I have a guest to accompany." I bowed and made my way to my training field, knowing y/n would be there.

Third-person POV

"Yun-Ho, if you don't mind but may I ask who suggested you to sell your tea leaves?" Soo-won has an idea who this individual was but wanted to be sure.

"Well it was -" "Im sorry to disturb your conversation but there's already nobles from other countries willing to buy your product."

"I apologize for leaving you by yourself, your highness but I need to sort this out. Please excuse me." Yun-Ho was excited to already hear back after only sending them as gifts a few days ago.

After a couple of hours of Chul-rang keeping Soo-won busy, Soo-won requested for a tour of the fortress. They came across a women fighting against Geun-Tae, she had him struggling staying on him feet as she would attack low then high.

We watched in delight as the women had him on the ground with a dagger at the throat and a katana at his sunshine.

"I see you're still rusty. Is it the old age?" y/n laughed as she help him up and walked towards the bench. There she was greeted by some soldiers congratulating her and near the stairs, Soo-won, Joo-Doh, and Chul-rang.

"Princess y/n. I'm glad to see you're alive after being kicked out. If I may, can I talk to you in private?" Soo-won send everyone away as they were the only ones left on the field. Y/n tossed him a wooden sword as she got in position.

"Don't look like you don't know how to use it. If you were able to fight Hak and not be badly injured, then you can spar with me."

Soo-won chuckled and swung at y/n but she blocked him."So, I guess you ran into them. You must hate me for killing your father."

"I should be but in a way, I'm relieved because that's one name off my list." She pushed him off and they started circling each other.

"Personally, you could've took over in a more proper way. For example, marrying Yona." Y/n threw darts at Soo-won while he knocked them in different directions.

"I can't marry someone I don't love. And, aren't you the oldest? So wouldn't I have married you instead?"

"You already know Yona likes you, which means I wouldn't be an option. And, no, you wouldn't have married me because I would've been send off to the Kai Empire." They both ran at each other, hoping to find a blind spot on the other person.

"Wouldn't you have been disappointed to be marrying me anyways? You wouldn't be able to manipulate me as easily as you would with Yona."
At this point, the swords were knocked away and they were doing combat.

"Yona confessed to me on her birthday but I told her that I have you in my heart. I wouldn't need to manipulate you, as you know what's good for the kingdom." Soo-won had y/n pinned to the ground, and straddle her movement.

"Now, I have an offer for you. Marry me and help me rebuild this once beautiful empire." Y/n thrust her hip up and flipped Soo-won over.

"Is that why you let me find the scroll? Does that mean you also know what it contains?"

"How did yo-"

"You dropped your good luck charm I gave you, though I thought you threw it out after Yona gave you one too." Y/n removed herself and went to get a drink, Soo-won following behind her. "That was fun and all but I have a busy schedule."

Soo-won pulled y/n into a hug, "I know you had to be strong to survive but I'm strong enough for both of us now. I can help you, protect you, love you."

Y/n slowly pushed Soo-won away and looked into his eyes, as her hand was raised to caress his cheek. "You want to help me? Then stay out of my way." Y/n walked up the stairs, "What do you plan on doing after you get your revenge?" There was silence as if they both know what will happen.

"Question. Are you willing to kill Yona or Hak to see your plans through?" Soo-won didn't hesitate to answer back

"Yes. This nation needs change and I will lead them into a new era."

She just laughed, "You got to avenge your father, let me avenge my mother."

As she was turning down the hall, Soo-won fired an arrow, slicing her cheek a bit. "That's my warning shot, for the next time we meet, I'll kill you."

"I'm rooting for you to keep that promise." Next stop, Port Awa. Here I come. Y/n gathered her things and informed the couple of her leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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