Chapter 3- Resolving Problems

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"I'm here in J.P Rizal Street. There is an accident just occured this 5:49 PM, the investigators and police are still finding out what caused this accident to happen, as you can see headlights are out" the reporter points out the wreck" and the hood, it's just like it got pierced from a knife, the winshield blasted out..."
The reporter was shocked like she didn't see some kind of accident like this.

"I'm sorry miss but you're not allowed to touch anything, it could mess up the report." The investigators just stared at the reporter he was not happy about the incident that happened.

"I'm sorry about that sir."
"It's okay, we'll just clean your fingerprints on this car." Says the investegator looking at the hood, touching it with his gloves

"And we're out." Said the reporter infront of the camera

The reporter then hands down his mic and looked at the accident.

"That's some blood right there.
"I heard that the driver died. But luckily for the girl she survived because of the airbag." The cameraman looks suprised.

Abby is now taken to the hospital, which is about like 2.5Km away, she is unconscious for a while. But she'll be ok when she'll reach the hospital soon.

"Hey! Where's the cellphone?!" The investigator caught the attention of the other people who are working at the scene
"It was right there sir"
"I know! Come take a look."
"It's gone!"

The investigator slapped the face of the other investigator his face was red, bloody red "If I'd say something, you know it's true! We're on this situation where everyone is serious! Why don't you just trust me? If you'd just have trust me then you wouldn't said that "its gone!" Man! That irritates me! Can you just shut up?" The investigator didn't give any fucks at all. All he did was to shout infront of many people he didn't even got embarassed.

"But sir--"

The investigator shouted at him again infront of his face, it's so near, that poor guy just smelled a pigs dump from his mouth like he never washed nor brushed his teeth for a month "I said Shut the hell up! And that's that!"

The poor guy is also an investigator but the investigator who shouted at him has a rank higher than him, all that guy did was to lower down his head and shut up. The Higher ranked investigator might be stressed.

"Good." Said the investigator his voice is already calmed down

"What happened?" The friend of the lower ranked investigator asked
"Well I kinda messed up, but I dont want to talk about it"
"Okay, as you wish"


Abby just arrived to the destination which is the hospital, she have gone through the emergency room.

"Hey we've got some patient over here! She's in a bad condition!" Said the nurse, she's a little frustrated because she's been working for 2 days without shift.
The nurses hurried and got Abby to the room,

"You'll be alright miss, you'll be alright soon"
Abby was quite conscious now "James? Is that you?" Whiapered Abby, but too bad He didn't hear it.

Nurse 1: Coming in!
Nurse 2: She's having a bad day.... damn those scars are deep, were going to stich this up


Nobody are not assigned to do the task, which is to look after Abby.

"M-my celphone.." Abby struggling to reach for her pockets.

Abby got her celphone..the investigators are too busy at the other car, not the car which Abby got on.
Her celphone's screen cracked but the good thing about it, is that it was  still working, the problem is... she forgot to charge her celphone when she was still at home, before she was going to John's house.

"Damn, my celphone it cracked." Abby then moved her arm "Ughh. It hurts."  She surrendered quite easily and got back to sleep.

Weeks passed and Abby is now at a good condition but still she can't go off the hospital yet
Abby sees the nurse talking with the doctor behind the glass, seems like they have an agreement, the nurse got in the room and..

"Hello Abby, I can see that you're healing fast, weeks passed and you're okay! But still you can't go off yet you need to stay here for about 2 days time, also the doctor will be giving the results later. So I'll just leave you here. Okay?"

The nurse was carrying a tray with water and food, she was smiling.
"Here, eat something I'll be back later."
Abby didn't say anything, instead she just nodded and smiled to the nurse.
The nurse stepped back 2 times and confronted the door and got out, when the nurse was far out of coverage
Abby grabbed her celphone again. And checked if her mom got her message, she was hoping that her mom woild reply to her about the accident. Also he texted John about the accident and told him she's at the hospital right now

"It's only 2.5Km away from John's home, I hope he'll comes here.."

Abby put down her phone on her pocket. Then suddenly someone bursts out the door, It was John!

"Oh, hell no! What happened to you?" John, is very suprised and mad the same time "What're you doing here? How did this happen-"

"Shhhhhh. I'm happy that you're here with me" Abby cut off John in mid-sentence, putting her index finger infront of his mouth.
They embraced, tightly.

"Ehemm.Excuse me sir, I'm the doctor in charge of her. Can we please have a little private time?"
Typically just a doctor.. with his Doctor-ish accent

"Umm, yeah, yeah sure.."

"You can just look out of the window" the doctor told him

Abby was not contented of the results the doctor gave.

"You have mental disorder Abby.. this must have been taken place when you hit your head at the airbag."
"What? No. That's no way it's happening."
"You're somehow quite sensitive when someone talks about you, this can lead to misunderstanding, or break up, so tell your boyfriend to be careful of what he says.. okay? You can now get out of the hospital Abby.."

"But the nurse said 2 days!"
"Hey I'm the doctor here, remember?"
Abby stands up, gave a little handshake to the doctor amd got out..
The doctor is also sad about the report.

"Hey, be careful what you'll be saying because of what the doctor said, I have Mental Disorder."
"You must be joking." Says John
"I hope so."
"Don't worry my dear, You're perfect for me."

They embraced each other and kissed at the hallway.
Too bad Abby didn't get to question John on where he is the past few weeks.
And why didn't his mom got to visit her in the hospital? Well we've better find this out.

Hey guys! Author here. So I'm here to put the cast here, because I know you might be a little confuse about it so
Nurse 1: Fria
Nurse 2: Alecar
Doctor: Daniel
Higher Ranked Investigator: Jenil
Lower Ranked Investigator: Steven
Reporter : Alleah

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