Chapter 5- Adkinson (A month before He met Mark)

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Kevin Armstrong
A.K.A Kevin
Status: Single
Nationality: American
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6'5


"Hey adkinson, wake up!" Called Kevin without no hesitation

"I'm already up, anyways don't call me Adkinson call me Alex, Alex it way more better, incase you don't know that's my first name" says Alex

"Stop talking, lets start eating! C'mon suit up! I have these some kind of tickets to a free buffet."

"Oh damn! Free food! I'll suit up then!" Excited, Alex put on his best suit, because after breakfast they'll be at work.

Kevin is Alex's bestfriend and they work together on the same company, on this day Alex didn't met Horst yet, Alex and Kevin had spent almost five years of their lives inside submarines, but this was the first time he'd ever had a window seat

At last they was escorted to a special staging platform beneath the rig, where a Navy bathyscaphe awaited, tethered to a concrete footing. The sea heaved treacherously against the footing, and the gangplank leading to the bathyscaphe's access hatch had redundant guide ropes. The both of them crossed over to a tiny conning tower. From there, they climbed down a metal ladder, slick with condensation, past the pressure hatch, through the float chamber, and into a cramped pressure sphere, where a very young officer was already at the controls.

"Take any seat, sir," the man said

Far above, a hatch clanged shut, then another, the sound reverberating dully through the submersible.

Alex glanced around at the cabin. Aside from the empty seat- arranged in three rows of two - every square inch of the wall and decking was covered by gauges, ducts, tube, and instrumentation. The only exception was what looked like a narrow but exhung in the close space - lubricating oil, dampness- perspiration- that instantly brought back his own years wearing the dolphins.

He sat down, put his bag on the adjoining seat, and turned towars the window: a small metal ring, studded around its circumference by steel bolts . He frowned. Crane had a submariner's innate respect for a thick steel hull, and this porthole seemed an alarming, needless luxury.
The sailor must have noticed his look, because he chuckled. "Don't worry. It's a special composite, built directly into the hull. We've come a long way since the old quartz windows of the Trieste."

Alex laughed in return. "Didn't know I was bein so obvious."
"That's how I separate the military from the civilians," the youth said. "You used to be a sub jockey, right? Name's Richardson."

Alex nodded. Richardson was wearing the chevrons of a petty officer class, and the insignia above the chevrons showed his rating was that of operations specialist.

Anyways, it wasn't long since they got home, they arrived safely with God's grace.

Kevin opened the door for Alex because he is bring a Pizza, four boxes, and one of them is pepparoni, Hawaiian Cheese deluxe, and the biggest of all pizza they bought, The Family. There were no excuses for this one, I mean who wouldn't eat a pizza? Like damn, melted cheese or the crust with some melted cheese on it.. ooo damn good! So finally they're finished, they sure was hungry, so they suddenly got knocked out or should we say asleep.

Anyways, Kevin has an appointment to do the next morning and....

Alex woke up, he's still in the sub, but kevin wasn't there by his side, It was all just a dream. All the conversations between Alex and Kevin was all just a dream. The pizza? Just a dream. And they didn't arrived home. Its just a dream. He didn't even reacted after waking up.

"Dr. Alex?"
At the sound of Richardson's voice, Alex roused himself abruptly.
"We're nearing the Facility," Richardson said.
"Yes, sir."

Alex glanced quickly out the porthole. At two miles down, the ocean was an intense silty black the exterior lights could barely penetrate. And yet there was a strange, ethereal glow that came-against all logic-from below, rather than above. He leaned closer, glanced downward, and caught his breath.
There, perhaps a hundred feet below them, lay a huge metallic dome, its perimeter buried in the sea floor. About halfway down its side, an open, circular tunnel about six feet across led inward, like the mouth of a funnel; otherwise, the surface was smooth and without blemish. There were no markings or insignia of any kind. It looked exactly like the crown of a giof any kind.

It looked exactly like the crown of a gigantic silver marble, peeping up from a bed of sand. A bathyscape identical to the one he was in sat tetheted to an escape hatch on the far side. At the dome's summit, a small forest of sensors and communications gear sprouted around a bulky object shaped like an inverted teacup. From all over the dome's surface, a thousand tiny lights winked at him like jewels, flickering in and out in the deep ocean currents.

Hidden beneath this protective dome was Blue Storm: a cutting-edge city of technological marvels. And somewhere beneath Blue Storm- as ancient as the recovery facility was new- lay the unknown mystery and promise of Atlantis.
Starring, entranced, Alex realized he was grinning like an idiot. He glanced over at Richardson. The petty officer was watching him and grinning,too.

"Welcome to Blue Storm, sir," he said.

Oh well, this is all for chapter 5 just wait for chapter 6 :D anyways I've used a dictionary for crissakes, so I hope I didn't made a nasty wrong grammar, or spelling. So I'll give you a thing from Alex, he just wanted to be called Alex because its short, and that's his firstname. His second name is Adkinson.
-Kevin is his bestfriend, but he doesn't know what his work really is.
So I bet your mind is pretty messed up after reading this story

-All the conversation between Alex (Adkinson) and Kevin was all just a dream.
- They never arrived home
That's All! I'm still thinking about chapter 6

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