Meet the Legends...

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No, seriously. I am the one in a million of the members of the League of Assassins to be gifted with the same name as one who came before me. Al Sa- Her. The Magician. I came to the league in 2010, seven years after my name's predecessor, Malcolm Merlyn. Why do they call me the magician? Well, before I made the journey to Nanda Parbat, I trained under John Constantine. I was released from the league in 2016 when Nyssa Al Ghul burned the ring of the demon, officially disbanding the league. The same man I trained under as a magician asked for my help, so how could I say no. I joined the legends with John to help with magical creatures, but we both eventually branched out after we took down the demon Neron. To my friends and brother, I am Ciara Palmer. But, to everyone else, I am Al Sa-Her, former heir to the demon...

"Gary, what the hell are you doing?" I grabbed the two coffees from the man, handing one to John before taking a sip of the other one.

"Come on, we've got bigger fish to fry." John added as we both walked away.

"Nora made me Constantine and Ciara's apprentice." Gary said to the camera.

"Gary!" We both yelled at him.


"We're here with the two great mages, Ciara Palmer and John Constantine, responding to an urgent call regarding the supernatural." Gary whispered to the camera.

"Oh, bloody hell, Gary, you know we must've been off our rockers when we made you our assistant." I told the dweeby man.

"Mr. Constantine, Ms. Palmer."

"It's what the card says, love." Constantine returned the greeting.

"It's my son, Edgar. I came home late from my shift. Usually he's up playing video games."

"All right, love. There you go." I handed her a tissue. "Now, why don't you let us take a look at him, okay?"


We made our way to the boy's room where he was throwing things across the room. His neck spun all the way around as the possessed boy climbed up the wall.

"What's wrong with him?" Gary asked us.

"His PJ's, for starters. Do people really wear matching pajama sets?" John asked.

"Yes." Gary answered, making me roll my eyes. He jumped towards us, both John and I pulling out our crosses as we started to murmur our incantation.

"Exorcizamos te, omnis, immundus spiritus, omnis satanic potestas,"

"John, Sa-Her, wait!" The voice from the boy's body yelled at us.

"Masher?" John and I chorused.

"Is that you, mate?" John added.

"Masher, is that you possessing the poor boy?"

"Glad to see you both escaped hell." He commented. Almost in sync, John and I lowered our crosses and chuckled.

"Yeah, well, we could say the same about you, mate." John said to him.

"Demon's gotta have his fun." He explained.

"Yeah, well, I could murder a pint right about now." I said to the two. "Fancy a drink?"

"You're buying." He panted.

"You've got it. Let's go." John agreed. The three of us headed for the door before Gary stopped us.

"Uh, excuse me, greatest of all warlocks, but what about Edgar's mother?" He pointed out.

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