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Camila’s POV

"Babe relax" I said as I wiped Lauren’s tears that kept rolling, "We made it" I whispered as I kissed another tear that rolled down, "But we were this close from our dreams being crushed" "But we still made it babe,just relax" I had been holding my tears because of Lauren,if she seen me cry she would break down,she took her beanie off and shrugged her shoulders "They would be breaking us up too!" "No we are to strong,now stop we get to prove to them on Wednesday" "Camil-" "Just be quiet,we made it" "I know your right" I kissed her cheek,and grabbed her hand "Let’s celebrate!" I said as I dragged her till she got up "I don’t wanna" "I wanna talk in private,please" I said giving her my best puppy eyes that I could "Not gonna work" I kissed her cheek "Please,I am so stressed" "Okay" she whispered,I walked her to the storage room,it was safe and we could do whatever we want.I locked the door and she was looking down, "Stop crying,I hate seeing you like this" she looked up and I walked up to her wiping her tears with my 2 thumbs,she rubbed her nose and I grabbed her face "Look at me" I whispered she looked be in the eyes,they were red and glossy and it made my heart hurt.I looked away and than looked back into her eyes "Baby no matter what happens we will be somebody" I kissed her,I missed her and she kissed back wrapping her arms around my waist and I pulled away "Everything will be okay,I promise" I whispered as she nodded her head and sighed "Just knowing we might go home next week" "Don’t think like that,just next week we put our hearts into the performance and show america who run this town" I whispered making her laugh.I kissed her again and she pulled away "I really wanna have a makeout session,but I have so much on my mind" "Well my tongue will make the pain go away" I said grabbing her hands and moving closer to her.I kissed her again and she laughed "Camila!" "Lauren!" I groaned and she laughed "Okay maybe once!" she whispered kissing me again,just a little harder and her tongue slid in my mouth.Okay have I mention she was an amazing kisser,who I would kiss everyday and all day if I had a chance" ,her arms wrapped around me and I felt warm and safe and like everything was going to be okay.She kissed softer but still like she was hungry as I grabbed her waist and felt the piece of skin that was showing,she pulled away and slowly bit my lips,I kissed her again and she tied her hair up breathing hard "I almost died" she said as I laughed still holding her waist,she kissed me again though and I pushed her to the wall,if she wanted to kiss again,I wouldn’t fight back,I felt her smile as she put her hand inside my back pocket and I pulled away "You are coping well" she shrugged her shoulders "I would rather kiss you anyday than dwell on things" I smiled as she kept her hand inside my ass pocket,I rubbed her other hand and sighed "If we go home,I don’t know what I would do" "Like you tell me relax" she whispered sighing and laying her head on the wall,I kissed her neck,she deserved a hickey,the make up artist saw it and winked at me today,it was pretty funny payback was a must.I began kissing it and she pulled more closer,well she didn’t care,I kissed her neck harder and bit into it like it was a chocolate lava cake,okay I was kinda hungry,she put her hand deeper into my pocket and moaned as I began sucking her neck and slowly kissing her jaw,I pulled away and looked at her,her eyes were closed and she looked at me,and smiled "I thought that was amazing" I said as she took her hand out my back pocket and smiled "I agree" I looked at the door,we should go and thank the judges.She nodded her head and our hands intertwined and we walked out.I looked at her than stopped in front of her "You might wanna cover that" I said smacking my neck and she covered her neck, "I knew I enjoyed it to much" "Just come here" I grabbed her long hair and put it near her neck "Just don’t move this hair!"

Lauren’s POV

I looked in the mirror as I laughed so this is how she would make me better by doing stuff like that she popped her head in,her hair was in a braid and I faced her “Hey” “Ready to go to sleep?” “Yes mom” I said as she laughed and I walked up to her covering my hickey.We both laid down and she played my ring and than whispered “I am going to miss this house,sleeping with you,kissing you,hearing you snore” “We could still see each other” I whispered as she played with my hair and than kissed my neck “Sorry for that” “No problem baby” I said as I rubbed her back,she sighed “All I know is I get to spend another week with your sexy ass” I said as I kissed her cheek and pulled me closer to her and she kissed me softly,I pulled away sticking my tongue out,she bit my tongue and I kissed her making her laugh and she than said “I feel like if I didn’t have you,I would have broke down too” “Aw” I looked around the girls were all out there somewhere in the mansion, I kissed her hard this time pinning her against the wall and she wrapped her arms around me and I put my fingers through her hair,her hair was perfect and always smelled good,she smiled and pulled away “Keep it clean” “Shut up your the messiest person in the house!” “Well I’m sorry” she kissed me again,than as soon as I was about to deepen it she pulled away and smirked “You must really love my kisses” “I really do” “Better than everyone else” “Well maybe not William Levy” “Or Harry Styles” she said as she laughed and kissed me again,just nicer and I wanted more,I grabbed her wrist and our feet were tangled together as she kissed back and put her thumb on my chin as I slowly pulled away but still close enough to feel her warm breath on my face,minty to be exact,I swallowed slowly as she started moving her feet,making me laugh.There was a knock on the door and she kissed my neck hard before turning over,Normani walked in “Did I wake you guys?” she asked,I pretended  to stretch”Thanks alot Normani!” I yawned and she sighed “Sorry” se laid down and I turned and Camila was facing me with a smirk on her face,yeah thanks alot NORMANI HAMILTON. 

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