Chapter Three

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Emma's POV:
I don't know what just happened but it was weird. We were having such a good time but when Hook showed up she decided to leave. It's like she is jealous or something, but she can't be because she already found love. "That was odd huh love" I look up at Hook and smile at him. I mean he isn't wrong that was odd. It's no secret that she dislikes Hook but she never acts out on those feelings, yeah she may say a rude comment but that's it. She never acted like that way before with him, I just don't know what came over her, but for know I'm going to enjoy my time with Hook before I have to go back to the station.
I get back to the station after hanging out with Hook for awhile. When I walked in I saw my dad "hey dad" he looks up at me and smiles "hello Emma how was lunch with Regina?" I sigh "It went great actually but the weirdest thing happened" his furred his brows together "what happened?" I got to sit on the desk and I start to explain what happened "ok so at first it was great, we laughed, talked, ate obviously but it all changed when Hook walked in" "well are you really surprised, you know that Regina doesn't like Hook she doesn't even call him by his name it's always Capitan Guideliner, Pirate or Handless Wonder so are you really surprised." He chuckled "yeah I know but this time it was different, she seemed mad or something" this got his attention and I saw him grin a little "It's just not like her to act that way with Hook. Anyways after he showed up she just said she had to leave and she left." He smiles and I give him a confused look "what why are you smiling" he gives me a look then says "seriously" I keep looking at him confused. "Oh lord Emma she is jealous." I look at him shocked "there is no way she is jealous. She can't be, she's with Robin and she's happy." "Ok sure don't believe me but if you want to find out I recommend that go talk to her about it. Find out why she acted like that." "Yeah..yeah ok I will talk to Regina about it" he nods smiling. "Ok and good luck kid" I jump of the table and hug him "thanks dad" I let go and grab my jacket. I really don't think that Regina is jealous there is absolutely no way. Well I guess we'll just have to find out.

Regina's POV:
I still can't stop thinking about why I acted that way at granny's, it was so weird and not like me. I just try to forget about it and try to finish this paperwork so I can go home and get some rest.
1 Hour Later
I'm still doing this paperwork and but it's only two more pages to finish. All of a sudden there is a knock at my door. "Come in" I'm still doing my paperwork and I haven't looked up yet to see who it is that just came in but when I finally look up my eyes land on green eyes, it's Emma.
My eyes go wide. "Em-Emma what are you doing here?" She sits down on the chair in front of my desk. "We need to talk" Oh boy this can't be good I think to myself "of course what about" "it's about what happened at granny's." My heart sunk, oh god she noticed that I was different. This is bad I can't have her thinking something is wrong because nothing is wrong..I think. "Um sure no problem just let me finish these and then we can talk. I say giving her a smile, she smiles back and god I love her smile. Oh no not again. Why am I acting like this, it's not me. This is going to be a long day.

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