Chapter Four

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Emma's POV:
When I told her what I wanted to talk to her about she went pale. And to be honest I'm scared of what she is going to say. "So what happened Regina" "what do you mean" "Regina you were..different when Hook came." She chuckled "well dear you know I'm not very fond of your pirate" I shake my head "No this was different Regina. You seemed like you were...mad"
She starts to laugh "don't tell me that you think I'm jealous. Oh please, of the pirate. Miss. Swan that is the most stupidest thing that I've ever heard" I roll my eyes "Regina I know something is wrong, yeah you always say a rude comment to Hook, that's normal but today it seemed different. So what's wrong Regina" She looks at me in a way that's says 'please don't make me say this' but I just look at her. "Fine, I guess it's just that your too good for him and I'm afraid that he will break your heart, and trust me if he does that I will kill him and you know I'm not lying. I just chuckled and I walked up to her and hug her. I really missed hanging out with Regina, she is my best friend and the mother of my child. Out of nowhere I kiss her temple 'where did that come from, why did I just kiss her temple' i just brushed the though away and I let go of Regina but we stayed close to each other not moving from our spot. All of a sudden I just felt myself move closer and so did she, we were about to kiss when we heard footsteps. We back away quickly. 'Was I just about to kiss Regina, what is happening' "hey mom ca-oh hey ma what are you doing here?" I look at Regina and she looks at me then looks away "I uh..I just need to talk to your mom about something." "Oh ok well I was just going to ask mom if we can go to granny's for dinner today" he looks at Regina "so can we mom?" "Ye-yes of corse honey." She seems really nervous "yes thanks mom" he hugs her and and then me, he is about to leave but turns around "Mom I know that you and Emma haven't spent a lot of time together so can she join us" my eyes go wide 'no no no I can't go to dinner with them not after what me and Regina almost did' I look at Regina and she was stuttering but she finally answered. " I wouldn't mind but you have to ask her" he turns to me and smiles, I can't say no to that face so I agreed. "YES!! Ok see you soon ma, bye mom" he runs out of the office and me and Regina look at each other. We were silent for a while and I was the first one to speak. "I should um...I-I should go" she nods her head and I start to walk to the door but it opens and it's Robin "hello Emma" "hey Robin" he walks over to Regina and kisses her and I feel a rush of jealousy take over my body, why the hell am I jealous I'm happy with Hook and I love him, but it's just seeing Robin kiss Regina like that makes my blood boil so I storm out.

Regina's POV:
"Is she alright" "yes she is fine but I'm just going to talk to her, wait here" I kiss him and then go after Emma. I see her about to leave the building. "EMMA WAIT" I grab her arm and spine her around, "what Regina" I chuckled "look who is jealous now" her head shot up "I'm not jealous" I roll my eyes "listen Emma what almost happened can never happen again" she laughed "Regina what almost happened didn't happen it was a mistake I would never kiss you because I could never love you." My eyes start to water and I don't know why. "You know what Emma, go to hell, you have no right to talk to me like that. But don't worry BECAUSE I FEEL THE SAME ABOUT YOU." I start to step closer in anger "OH YEAH" she steps closer "YES" I step closer and we are inches away. She smirks "well we'll see about that" I furred my eyebrows "what the hell are you talking abo—" before I could finish my sentence Emma slammed her lips on to mine and my heart fluttered. It was a very passionate kiss. She grabs my waist and pulls me closer and I put my arms around her neck. I never want to stop kissing her but I did and we slowly stopped kissing. We look in each other's eyes. We let go of each other and I see her smirk. "What" "You see how you were wrong. You did want to kiss me." I start to blush so I look away "your still wrong" I say trying not to look at her. "Oh really" "yes really. Now miss Swan I will see you at granny's for dinner and remember don't—" "be late I know don't worry Gina." She gives me a hug and I bury my face in the crotch of her neck. We let go and smile at each other. "Bye Emma"

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