Chapter Five

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Emma's POV:
Why did I just do that, I fucking kissed Regina while being with Hook and the worst part is I loved it. Yes Hook's kisses are good but nothing compared to Regina. Oh god why did I have to kiss her. This can't happen again, but I want it to happen again. UGH this is all so confusing, I'm in love with Hook, I know I am. Oh god I'm not ready to go have dinner with her and Henry tonight. This is going to be a long night.
I walk in to Granny's and I made sure not to be late. I took my coat off and started to look around to see if I see them, and there they were, laughing at each other. 'Ugh I love those two' wait did I just say I love Regina? No this cannot be happening. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Henry calling out for me to come and sit with him and Regina. I look at her for a brief moment and I see her smile. I walk over to them and I sit across from Regina and I smile at her before turning to Henry "hey kid how are ya" he smiles at me and I really can't get enough of this kid " I'm good ma and you" I look at Regina "Amazing" I see her blush a littles and I smirk. Ugh she is so amazing.

Henry's POV:
I see that my moms are acting different towards one another, they seem..I don't know different. It's like every time that they look at one another there eyes start to sparkle. Ok let me tell you something, I've been secretly rooting for my moms to be together ever since I bought ma to Storybooke , I mean think about it I won't have to be spending the night at different homes, I would have both my moms to protect me, and most importantly they would be happy. I know that Hook isn't for ma, my mom is meant for her and nobody is going to change my mind. And I feel the same way about Robin and my mom but the only difference is I like Robin he is a great guy just not for my mom.
We've been at Granny's for an hour now and we are having so much fun together and nothing is going to make this happiness go away, we'll I was wrong. Hook just walked in and of course he came up to my mom and started to kiss her, at first I cringe but then I remember who is next to me 'mom' I look at her and I can see that she is upset and I don't blame her, I know that she loves Emma she just doesn't see it. I see mom get up and she excused herself and went to the bathroom. I look at Hook and my mom and I huff. "Um can you guys stop kissing already it's gross." Hook finally pulled away "sorry lad it's just I haven't seen your mother all day and I guess I got a little carried away" I glare at him "you think" I look at my mom and I see that she is uncomfortable so I just get up and walk to the bathroom "Henry where are you going?" I turn around and I told them I had to use the bathroom and they nodded. Once I reached the bathroom I hear crying, I put my head at the door and sigh. "Mom are you ok" I hear he gasp and I hear her sniffing. "Ye-yes Henry I'm fine" I shake my head "no mom you aren't fine, and I know exactly why so talk to me, I can help, please mom the door. Once I hear a click and I see the door open I saw my mom with puffy eyes from crying. I tilted my head "oh mom" I walk up to her and pull her into a hug. She starts sobbing on my shoulder and I can't help but let out a few tears myself. "You love her don't you mom" I hear her cry even more "yes Henry yes I lo-love he-her with all my hea-heart." I close my eyes and hold her tighter. I rub her back and try to comfort her and it seems to be working. "Mom why not tell her how you feel" she pulls back and cups my check "oh honey...we'll for one your mom doesn't love me and two we are with other people" I smile at her "mom of course she loves you, I really can't believe that you guys don't see it." "Ether way I won't work" "why not" she tilted her had and smiled slightly "because we are with other people" I grab her hand and squeeze it " mom there is one thing that I've learned about being in this family, and that is to never lose hope. Mom you and I both know that she won't be happy with hook I mean come on, she is just too good for him. She chucked "oh honey you are right about that" I smile and hug her "so mom, why don't you tell her how you feel and just see where it leads you. Even if you think that you will get rejected never lose hope, because I know for a face that I have never given  up hope why it comes to you and ma" she furred her eyebrows. "What do you mean" she seems really confused. "Mom do you think the only reason I brought ma to Storybooke was to just break the curse, of course not. I also did it so you two can finally have a chance of gaining true happiness. For us to finally be a family." I see that she starts crying again and I wipe her tears and she pulls me into a tight hug. "I love you so much my little prince." She kisses me on the top of my head and pulls away. I smirk at her and she smiles "so are you going to tell ma how you feel?" I see her nod her head "yes I will go tell Emma how I feel about her. But I really don't want to go back there and see them kiss again, it was the most horrific thing that I've ever seen." I chuckled " well if it makes you feel any better she did seem like she enjoyed it, she seemed more like...uncomfortable. She chuckles and nods her head " yes that does make me feel better, thank you Henry. I smile and I hug her one last time. "Go get her mom" she pulls away and nods her head. When she walks over to the booth I start to get nervous. 'Please let this end well, please let this end well.' If they end up not being friends it's all going to be my fault but I guess al I have to do is wait and see how it goes later, hopefully thinks turn out great and they end up together, and we can finally be the family that I've always wanted for us.

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