Chapter five

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There they were. In Neverland. It was as beautiful as everyone said it was. The sand was white and somehow soft? The ocean was clear blue, it almost looked white. Emma walked forwards to the water. For some reason, water seemed to be her favorite type of element. Once, her Best friend had dragged her into watching an elemental movie (Emma couldn't remember the name) and she had been in love with the water one. Rain, storms, oceans, they always seemed to calm her down.

"Emma! Come on!" John yelled. Emma looked up to see the other three still flying.
"Coming!" Emma yelled back. She thought of punching Wendy in the face, and up she flew. Peter yelled at them to follow him, but Emma's pixie dust ran out. From above the forest she fell. Wendy noticed, and gave no movement to help Emma. She only grinned maliciously. The others were already too far away, so they couldn't hear Emma's cry for help. Emma fell through leaves and tree branches, scratches lingering on her face and legs, the only exposed parts of her body.

Then, a larger tree branch than the rest came into sight. Emma braced herself, and when she got close to it, she grabbed the tree branch and hung on for her life, because there were no more tree branches from then on, only the hard, solid, ground. Emma gulped. The pain from the scratches were starting to hurt more, the adrenaline fading away.

With difficulty, Emma hoisted herself on the tree, and she lay her back on the tree trunk. Her arms were starting to hurt from grabbing onto the tree trunk from so high with so much force. She groaned, the pain becoming too much to handle. Tears started leaking through her closed eyes. Emma opened them and her surroundings became blurry. Rubbing her tears away, Emma looked up once more, to see tinkerbell flying in front of her, with a wet rag.

"Are you all right?" Tink asked, in her bell like voice.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. It just hurts a lot." Emma said.

(This is Tink. This is a human voice)

"Come on. Let me clean you scratches and I'll take you to hideout."
"Ok. But is there anything that you have for muscle pain?"
"I think yes. Maybe a herb or drink?"
"Yeah, a herb mixed with tea would be fine."

Tinkerbell cleaned Emma's scratches and sprinkled fairy dust on her. Emma though of the first time meeting Peter, watching Peter Pan, punching Wendy, things like that. Emma felt herself fly and opened her eyes to go and follow tinkerbell. Flying through the tree branches, Emma started to sing a song.

"Everybody, everybody
Everybody rise
So one day I'm just gonna walk up to you
Say it how it is, I'm in love with you

Been thinking 'bout this for a month or two
God help me, I've been so scared to
I'm gonna reach out, say, "Hey"

Been thinking 'bout you all day
All these years I've been a ghost to you
Put your hands on me, they'll go straight through

I get it, I'm not
In your league, too-"

Emma cut off her song when she landed on the ground in front of 5 boys who were staring in awe at Emma. The lost boys.

Word count: 559 words


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