An important message regarding this story...

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Updated 03/04/2014

Just a note to advise this story is only a draft, well it's actually my third draft! It's gone through about three revamps since I originally posted it.

The story that follows is the one that's staying on wattpad. I have recently revamped it again but that is to make it ready for publishing. It's actually very different to the story that follows. You may ask whether I'm going to post the final draft on here and the answer is no, sorry. I'm seriously contemplating publishing and I don't want to post that versionon here.

When / if I'm published, I will advise so you can check out the official one.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. Please remember to vote and leave a comment. <3


Hello everyone!

Thank you for reading The Matchmaker and I really hope you enjoy this. When I first posted this story, it was only 20 chapters long but the story has had a revamp and I have added an additional 5 chapters.

For those that haven't read this novel yet, stop reading here and go onto reading the first chapter. :)  please, if you enjoy, leave a vote and a comment.

For those that have read this story and are coming back to re-read my revamp as per my profile comment, please continue reading.

Here's how the revamp works:

 - the prologue has been removed completely

 - chapters 1 - 3 are brand new chapters.

 - chapter 4 is also a new chapter but the prologue has been combined with this chapter

 - chapter 5 is a brand new chapter

 - chapter 6 of the revamped novel is technically chapter 2 of the old novel

 - all the other chapters are pretty much as they were, however they have all been updated as a few little tweaks have been made to flow with the new beginning.

I hope this makes sense, if not please ask as many questions as you like. :D

Enjoy the revamp of The Matchmaker.

P.S. I am looking at publishing this in paperback and e-book! It may be a while yet but it is on the cards. Let me know if you would buy a copy!

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