1. Party party yeah!

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"Who is this hottie?" Cleo holds up an old photo in her hand

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"Who is this hottie?" Cleo holds up an old photo in her hand. "I'm pretty sure I asked you to find a silver pen among those," Iseul says, focused on writing names on the invitations for her birthday party.

"Couldn't find it," Cleo jumps and sits on the bed making it bounce. "Still haven't answered my question," she shakes the photo at Iseul's face. Iseul pauses writing and looks up. Her face lights up with a fond side smile on it. "That's my uncle," she took the photo in her hand.

"Uncle? You never told me you had a hot uncle," Cleo bends down to keep looking at the photo. "Oh, that's a long story. But this picture is like from twenty years ago," she gives it to Cleo. Cleo takes the photo in her hand and bites her lip down. He had a sharp jawline and soft, fluffy black hair. The photo is tinted and shriveled up at the edges, reflecting the aging on it. There isn't particularly anything special about the photo. He was just looking to the side, his sharp jawline evident and there were a few piercings on his ear. He was exceptionally and sinfully handsome.

"Ugh, why was I born so late," Cleo falls back on the bed. "I can't believe I'm losing a hot man like him," she extends her hand and holds the photo high above her face.

"It's really weird to say this but you guys would have rocked back then," Iseul finishes writing her final invitation and stretches her neck a bit before leaning onto her bed. Cleo gets all shy and excited when she hears that. "Is he coming to your birthday party?"

"I don't know. I invited him like I would every year. I hope he comes, you know. It's been years since I had a decent conversation with him. He really is the only favourite person from my dad's side and all of his brothers including my dad literally exiled him out of our family," she says. "He really is the nicest person out there."

"Why did they exile him?" Cleo was getting curious about the mystery uncle she never heard of before. He is hot and now he is exiled for whatever reason. Cleo likes being a rebel. For the same reason she likes rebels.

"My dad didn't really tell me but my mom once mentioned something about him being a gangster. Involved in underworld crimes or whatever. Honestly, I didn't care back then. He is not involved anymore now so I don't care. I hope he comes," Iseul flaps her lips. Cleo's lips turn into a smirk. She has completely fallen head over heels to the man in the photograph. Every single thing about him excites her. "I hope so too Iseul," she smiles.

On the day of the party Cleo didn't take long to choose her dress because she already knew what to wear. She chose a full black cowl neck spaghetti strapped dress cut mischievously above her hip dip. She let her shoulder length hair fall down, nothing just her natural waves and a bit of hair spray. A cherry red lipstick on her lips with a bit of black smokey eye makeup to complete her look.

When she was about to leave her bedroom, she remembered something else. She walks to the dressing table and slides the draw out to pull out a thin rose gold thigh harness. She slips her leg into it and pulls it upon her exposed leg. She smiles at her reflection in the mirror and walks out finally.

"Why aren't you still here?" Iseul scolds her on the other side of the call. "I'm almost there. Had to take some extra to look gorgeous on my best friend's birthday," she chuckles. "Alright find me when you come." Iseul hangs up the line.

She arrives five minutes after the call. She hands the key to the valet before and goes in. She finds Iseul on the podium and waves at her as soon as their eyes meet. "You are here finally. It was really awkward with all these idiots who got nothing but money to speak about," she says, keeping a smile on her face. "I'm your savior aren't I?" Cleo winks. She takes a drink from one of the servers and sips it before Iseul curses under her breath.

"What?" Cleo asks and looks in the direction where Iseul was looking. Cleo's lips part a bit and her lip twitches in between a smile and part. She exhales from between her lips and the hair on her body stands up as she watches him walk to the podium. He looks almost exactly like the photograph but there is a bit of salt and pepper hair. "Holy shit," it comes out as a whisper. "How can he be so hot at this age. God I want him to rail me," her chest falls up and down from heavy breaths.

"Uncle Jungkook," Iseul smiles and walks up to him for a hug. "Iseul," he pats her on the back and breaks the hug by wishing her a happy birthday. Cleo stands there frozen as if she saw a ghost. Iseul notices it from the corner of her eyes. "Thanks for coming. I thought you were going to skip it like every year," she pouts.

"Well, I didn't," he smiles. His voice is surprisingly smooth for how rough he looks. Cleo gulps and doesn't stop staring. "Yeah, for that I'm glad," she smiles. She steps back and puts her hand around Cleo's shoulder. "I want you to meet my only dearest and best friend-"

"Cleo," Cleo extends her hand, cutting off Iseul. "Short for Cleopatra," she extends her hand. Jungkook shakes her hand. "Jungkook, it's nice to see that Iseul has someone who can rely on," he smiles, retracting his hand. Cleo cries internally when she loses his touch.

"Iseul said you don't really come to family parties. I'm really glad you did," Cleo says, out of context. Right now, it's like her mouth is running without the interference of her mind. "Well I'm not everyone's favorite kid," he winks. She swears she just died. Like on the spot. Her heart stopped and clenched and shit.

"I'll just go and do the family thing now," he pats Iseul on her head and walks off.

"You can stop drooling. As much as I would like to encourage you, my uncle isn't really into young girls so don't get hurt," Iseul says, sounding concerned.

"Oh I won't," Cleo smiles. "Because he is going to be mine," she mutters. "I'll be back," she says, watching Jungkook try to strike a conversation with Iseul's father and fail. There is anger and disgust in Iseul's father's face. Jungkook walks to the drinks table and takes one.

"I'll have one too," she says as Jungkook gets himself a glass of champagne. He hands her the one in his hand and gets himself another one. She frowns at a pair of women glaring at her and goes off at them, "Why? Never seen a woman in your life before?"

Jungkook chuckles, stealing Cleo's attention from them. "People really hate 'different'," he sips the champagne. "Different? I am different?" Cleo raises her brows knowing very well that she put too much skin on display. "Bold. Not afraid to -," she cuts him off. "To look like a whore?"
His eyes go a little wide for a split second but he composes himself. "It's personal preference. You wear what pleases you. You do what pleases you," he takes another sip.

"God," she says, voice breathy. "Don't make me fall more for you than I already am," she says, feeling heat down there. Jungkook throws his head back and laughs. "Kid, don't," he touches his glass to her's and walks towards the podium.

"I'm not a kid. I'm 27, going to be 28 in two months. I'm a woman," she catches up with him. "Apologies, woman," he says.

There is something so hot about him that keeps drawing her to him like a moth towards the flame. Even though she knows she is going to burn off she still wants it. Maybe it's the mad sexual desire that is driving her nuts. Her eyes follow his figure as she stands there devouring him with eyes.

"Shit I'm wet."

I hope you all liked the pilot episode of Lips in places. I hope this story goes in the way I imagined unlike other stories that always end up completely different.

Leave likes and comments to encourage me and possibly drop some support on my Kofi. Link in the bio.

Until next episode, adios bitches.

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