12. Ruin Me.

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Jungkook is having his morning coffee when he hears his doorbell. He sets the coffee mug down and checks his phone for the security cam. He is more than surprised when he sees Iseul. He wastes no time and goes to answer his door.

"Iseul," there is a pause as he tries to read her face, trying to see if she is in any kind of trouble. "Uncle, I hope you are proud of me because this wasn't easy at all. I have to leave before she wakes up because if she does, she is going to kill me. You have to follow me," she turns around and starts to walk towards the parked car. She peeks into the back seat to check if Cleo is awake.

"Care to explain what is going on here?" Jungkook asks and his eyes go wide as soon as he notices the familiar face of Cleo. "Iseul, You have to take her back. Not after all the things she told yesterday. This is wrong."

"Uncle, remember when you used to tell me that I can count on you if I ever need any help? Well this is one of those high times. Now, she is heavy, so I cannot carry her alone. I almost died bringing her to the car earlier," she says, hands on her hips.

"I surely didn't mean this when I mentioned help," he said enunciating the last word.

"Well, she is my best friend and I would be very sad if she died. Please, she is going to wake up anytime now. I just want her to be safe. That is all," she pleads. Jungkook can never say no to his favorite niece but at the same time he wants to respect Cle's decision. He is torn between both women.

"I cannot speak for her. We can take her inside for now but if she isn't willing to stay, there is nothing I can do about it ok?" Jungkook says. "Oh, she is going to stay. I will make her stay okay? Help me please," she says.

"I can carry her," Jungkook says and opens the car door. He takes her into his arms and carries her inside. "I cannot imagine the ruckus she is going to make once she wakes up in the same room again," he sighs, shaking his head.

Iseul leaves after he puts her in the guest room. Jungkook waited for a while for Cleo to wake up. He didn't want to leave her in the strange place after she had been drugged. Jungkook dreads the moment she wakes up and it happens soon. It starts with her groaning followed by a thud as she lands on the floors. A faint mumble and finally the yelling.

"What the hell!" She comes storming out of the room. "Oh you! I cannot believe this!" she starts.

"Not my idea. Iseul dropped you off here. You are more than welcome to leave if you don't want to stay. I am already late for my meeting," he says, putting his coat on. "See you later," he pauses. "If you decide to stay," he makes his way out of the kitchen to the door and leaves. There is a beep of door auto locking followed by silence.

"Fuck, my head," Cleo brings her hand up to massage her temples. "I need a shower."

She takes a long and warm shower and comes out wrapped in a bathrobe. "Well, I have nothing to wear now. Great," she sighs and sits on the bed. Then a naughty thought sprouts in her mind.

She goes to the kitchen wearing the biggest Jungkook's shirt she can find, most of his clothes are slim fit so she is glad she could find one. She checks the fridge and finds eggs. Then she finds some bread in the pantry and fixes herself a quick meal of toast and scrambled eggs. She is still drowsy from the drug Iseul sprayed on her. She takes a nap and it's already evening when she wakes up. Her brain is clear now and for the first time in the day, she realizes her phone isn't with her. She walks out, putting her hands above her head to stretch her body. She goes into the media room and plays her favorite series.

Jungkook comes home late at night and the first thing he hears when he steps his foot inside the home is the speakers. He takes his coat off and goes to the media room.

Cleo looks at the door when he knocks on it. "Since you decided to live here, the first thing you should do is keep that down. I don't like noise in my home."

Cleo rolls her eyes and switches the projector off. It is then he notices the shirt. He blinks away in an attempt to not let the thought of her being cute in his shirt get to his head. "I'm hungry, make me something to eat," she says, walking away to the guest room. He scoffs, "Excuse me?"

She turns around, a little annoyed. "Well, didn't you bring me here to be my knight in shining armor? If so, I expect you to treat me like a princess. That means you fulfill my wishes," she crosses her arms against her chest. "I am hungry," she stares at him.

"What a brat," Jungkook glares at her before walking to the kitchen.

"I want truffle pasta, thank you," Cleo smiles, a fake one and proceeds into the guest room, well that is her room now. Jungkook suppresses his rage and takes out a spaghetti box. "I'm going to lose my cool before she leaves this place."

In the guest room, Cleo is laughing into the pillow, careful enough not to let out the giggles. "Oh, I'm gonna love it here. Fuck. I'm giddy." Soon she smells the pasta and she is so high at the fact that he is cooking for her. "I was being only bratty yet he agreed to cook."

Jungkook poured himself some bourbon in the meantime. He knocks on the door once the pasta is done. Cleo resumes her laughing session and comes out, her hair a bit messy from burying herself into the pillow. "Thank you," She says, approaching the bar stool.

"Jungkook! Thank you," Cleo says, as she settles down on the stool.

"Jungkook? No sense of respect?" he raises his brows. He brings the glass of bourbon up and takes a sip.

"Oh," she pouts. "Should I call you oppa then?" She tilts her head. Her luscious locks shine under the lights as they slide on her shoulders.

"I'm too old for that," he shrugs his shoulders.

"Then I'll call you Sugar daddy," she giggles. "Or maybe daddy?"

There is a look of horror on Jungkook's face and Cleo enjoys that. "I'm already loving it here," she giggles again. 

Huhh, the saga of Cleo and Jungoo living together begins. Not sure how long I will make this last but yeah. 

Don't forget to vote and comment on the chapter. That is a way you support me for the stories. See you soon. 

Soooo, have a nice week ahead!!

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