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bonding with a
father figure.    )

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Carmen grunted, holding onto the person's foot that covered her belly. It pushed down on her abdomen, the person clearly showing dominance over herself. She quickly opened her eyes, staring at the person that stood above her as she laid on the ground. The sparkling icy-blue color clashed with the forest green and he knew how easily she could be manipulated if she were in the current position with someone dangerous.

The Jedi moved his foot out of the way and stuck his hand out, awaiting for her to take it. She does, and he lifts her up easily since she didn't weigh that much at all. He could feel the frustration fighting to take over her senses. She was trying to fight it off, which was very hard to do. Especially since she's only seen this kind of stuff on television.

She squeezed her eyes shut, wishing she could go back to her bed. The blonde was awoken by the Jedi to start her fighting training. He wasn't allowed to fully train her mentally, so he'd just stick with physically for now. A cold shower sounded lovely to her at the current moment.

"You did pretty good for your first time fighting, doll. Now, just because I bested you only a moment ago, that doesn't mean you aren't good." Obi-Wan reassured her, helping the blonde towards the bench in the corner of the room.

Carmen glanced down at her feet as they moved along with his, "I'm kind of proud of myself, but once you got the better of me, I realized just how weak I truly am."

He sat down, watching as she slowly took a seat beside him. "You aren't weak. You're just new at all of this. It's going to take some time to find your ground and the different ways of how you will do certain things. Everyone is different." He smiled lightly, hoping that eased her mind.

The blonde smiled softly up at him, "Thank you for saying that. It helps me a lot."

"Of course. Anytime you feel down, just come to me and I'll teach you the proper way to meditate." Obi-Wan squeezed her arm before releasing and giving her a questionable look. "How have you been feeling since Anakin left?"

Shit. Anakin. She had surprisingly forgotten about him. It must've been due to how she's been wrapped up in her own head for the last few days.

"Is it bad that I have forgotten him these last few days?" Carmen bit her lip, feeling terrible. But, then again, it kind of felt great knowing she wasn't too crazy about the man and she still had her independence.

Obi-Wan shook his head, "That is not a bad thing at all. I think it's good that you haven't waisted these few days worrying about someone that's away at the moment. It shows your mind is committed to the Jedi."

The blonde suddenly wonders if Obi-Wan has ever fallen in love before. She didn't get to see his backstory or even what happened after he was finished being a Padawan.

"Can we get something to eat? I'm starved."

These passing days have Anakin completely bored. He felt as if he was slowly going insane due to how many times he's been kept by himself with his loud thoughts. The first day being here, he was very close to leaving, but then he thought of Carmen and how much she would scold him for doing it. So, he stayed, even though he'd rather be anywhere else.

Padmé was always busy doing her duties and although her parents were nice, he didn't really have anything to talk about with them besides the many stories he has of what he's seen, but he's repeated them so many times he was tired. Ragwynd had finally came over one of the days to introduce himself to everyone. That was the only thing interesting that had happened.

After this day is over, he plans on contacting the council and asking if he can be done. Nothing bad has happened, so why should he be here any longer?

He was awaken by the bright sun pouring through the bedroom windows and he slightly groans, not wanting to get up. Just another terrible day to be added to the growing list.

Getting ready for the day, he steps out of the room he stayed in and walked into the kitchen. The first thing he noticed was all of the food surrounding the table as if a big event was set to happen. "What's going on?"

Padmé's eyes widen, almost falling over and onto the table at his sudden entrance. "Dear lord, you scared me!" She gets her bearings and gets back on the ground. "My sister's wedding is today so we have been preparing everything for her."

His heart blossomed at the word. He never thought of marriage ever in his life, but hearing it now caused him to feel some type of way. "Oh. What can I do to help?"

"Ani, you do enough on a daily basis. Being here and protecting me is a big job all on it's own." She smiled softly at him, fixing the table cloth. "And since you are going to be there, maybe it'll give you some thought into asking Carmen."

Anakin froze, not moving his body at all. It was as if he was a rock, stuck in the dirty mud. The thought of asking someone to be by his side forever sounded intimidating, but so intoxicating at the same time. Finally snapping himself out of the state he was in, he begins to speak up in a soft tone. "Are you sure we are ready for something that big? We've only known each other for about a weeks time."

"You two are soulmates and I'll forever stand by that statement. It doesn't matter if you've barely known each other, the people used to get married the same day they met their arranged partner." Padmé then turned to look him in the eyes. "And why wait? If she's training to become a Jedi, the both of you will be out there in various battles and one of you could end up deceased."

She brought up some good points and he knew it. Sighing, he rubs his hands through his short hair. "You and your mother both say things that always get me thinking. I hate it."

"That's because we can be very persuasive when needed be." The Senator smirked as she finished up the table. "There, we're all set and ready. Now I just need to go help with her makeup. Are you alright being here on your own?"

To be honest, he didn't want to be alone with his thoughts. He's always hated the silence that came with being in a room by yourself. He just nodded and watched as she turned, walking out of his sight.

Thinking. What a load of bull crap.

( AUTHORS NOTE : ) hi! all of these new chapters are coming from my own head, so i'd love to hear your thoughts on if it's actually good bc i feel like it isn't lol.

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