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Disclaimer: Penthouse story and characters are not mines. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from them ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

A very short chapter. I'm sorry for updating late. I was writing another chapter for Between Scenes.

Please forgive grammar mistakes and typos. (^_^)



Seokkyung checked her phone, she just sent a message to her brother who during the lunch break was carrying out his delayed punishment. She was worried about the wound on her brother's head. She sighed, she felt that her brother seemed to have carried out his punishment for life based on how long since he left the class. Seokkyung looked at Rona's empty seat because she didn't come in today after what happened yesterday. Rona, who had previously insisted that she would go to school because she felt fine, instantly obeyed after her mother threatened to tell Rona's mother if she didn't want to listen to her suggestion for a day's rest at the penthouse.

However, what Seokkyung noticed more was that her brother wasn't too overprotective forcing Rona to take a rest, he wasn't angry with Rona like before. He seemed to have understood and tried to understand Rona even though he really wanted Rona not to go to school. Her brother gave a solution that if Rona wanted to go to school then he wouldn't stop her, but he told his girlfriend to do what he said. Rona also seemed to accept the solution given by her brother without excessive protest, she wasn't being stubborn like usual. It seems that they have indeed found the best solution for them so that there's no more bickering due to her brother's overprotective attitude.

"Is this what dating looked like?" Seokkyung asked herself. Until now, she didn't understand why someone could change someone else's character and behaviour in the name of love. But maybe this is the same as her wanting to change for her mother.

Seokkyung saw Jeni and Minhyuk enter the classroom. She didn't see them in the cafeteria earlier, maybe as an outcast, they decided to have lunch elsewhere. Jeni glanced at Rona's seat for a while before she finally sat down. The same glance she saw this morning when her teacher announced that Rona wasn't attending school today. That kid was actually very worried about Rona but still stubborn and acting like she didn't worry about her former friend. Seokkyung shook her head, not understanding Jeni's mind. Jeni's mother's fault in helping her father get rid of Min Seola's corpse was not Rona's mother's fault, so why is she still blaming Rona's mother? Blame Rona? Even if Rona's mother didn't kill Min Seola, in the end, she would have been killed by Seokkyung's evil father or Cheon Seojin.

"You still hated me back then."

Seokkyung recalled Rona's words explaining to her that she understood why Jeni was still angry with her. Rona compared Jeni's attitude to hers. Seokkyung thought again about her past self, who at that time still hated Rona and bullied her. Is Jeni like Seokkyung's past self having the same reason for hating Rona? But the reason she hated Rona was certainly what Rona told her back then, she felt too guilty for her mother so she took it out on Rona. As for Jeni? Does Jeni really feel guilty because she realized that what she did to Min Seola was what made her mother help her father get rid of Min Seola's corpse? Because basically beside her father and Cheon Seojin, Jeni's mother, Minhyuk's parents and Eunbyeol's father only had one reason why they helped her father: to protect their children who were caught bullying Min Seola. Seokkyung looked at Jeni before looking at Minhyuk. When will both of them finally realize that it all happened because of them?

Lee Minhyuk turned out to look back at her before finally leaning over his table. Seokkyung realized that they were the same. She considered Minhyuk to be an arrogant spoiled brat, turned out she is the same as him. They were both just as arrogant. Seokkyung was literally not much different from Minhyuk, she's also a stupid and spoiled brat who only relies on other people to do anything for her in this school. If it weren't for her brother and father, she wouldn't have had accomplishments in school. She was just as stupid as Minhyuk, and just as arrogant as Minhyuk. And above all, she's just as mean as Minhyuk. Compared to others, along with Eunbyeol, she and Minhyuk had their own pleasure in bullying people. They are both bullies. The two of them even bullied Jeni together, but after all that, Jeni was still decided to help Minhyuk.

Seokkyung then looked at Rona's empty table. It was that girl that changed the dynamics in the lives of five people: her, her brother, Jeni, Minhyuk and Eunbyeol. Rona's presence made a drastic difference in the friendship five of them had since they entered this school. If there has wasn't been Rona coming in between them, the five of them would have been a bunch of arrogant kids who felt they were the best and looked down on others. They might still be a bunch of bullies who only think of themselves and not of others. In fact, she was so sure, their friendship would only be about being friends when they were at the top, not when they fell. They were friends in front but behind, they would do everything they could to compete with each other. Their friendship was completely not different from a fake friendship. She realized it by how she desperately wanted to win against Eunbyeol.

Her brother would still be a cold person who wouldn't care about anything or anyone other than her and himself. Although he still looked like he still didn't care about other than them, now plus Rona, he's actually nicer than before. Jeni wouldn't have given a helping hand to a struggling Minhyuk and she definitely would still be a selfish princess. And lastly, someone like Joo Seokkyung wouldn't think of anyone other than herself and her brother and thought of others being unworthy to be on the same level as them, even if it's their friends. But look at her now, she was even determined to protect Rona, the girl she once thought far below her level.

Seokkyung smiled, she felt she was more peaceful now and felt better than she used to be.



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