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Disclaimer: Penthouse story and characters are not mines. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from them ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Please forgive grammar mistakes and typos. (^_^)



Seokhoon took Rona's hand out of the music room, he chuckled knowing that his teacher, Mr Ma is still being arrogant. Still acting as nothing happened. Still acting as if he had done nothing to Rona.

"What's wrong?" The low voice that came from the girl he was holding made Seokhoon look in the direction of the voice.

"Nothing" Seokhoon smiled while shaking his head.

"Seokhoon-ah!" The gaze that Rona gave him made him gulp. He really couldn't lie in front of Rona. Still smiling, he tried to reassure Rona that it was nothing.

"It's really nothing. Trust me."

"You know you're not good at lying in front of me?"

'Of course, I know!' Seokhoon's mind screamed, but he could only fake a smile.

"Okay if you don't want to tell me." Rona let go of his grip and walked away from him.

Seokhoon sighed. His original intention was that he didn't tell Rona until his mother arrived at their school. But seeing his girlfriend like this ruined it. He ran after her. As he caught up with her, he grabbed her arm to stop her from walking.

"Okay, I'll tell you. But not here." Seokhoon looked around him.

Rona gave him a suspicious gaze, after (perhaps) she didn't find any lies in his eyes, she trusted him. She nodded.

He soon took her to the sidelines, after he found an empty seat for them, he finally told her that he had found the culprit and today when his mother comes they will try to force the directors of Cheong A to conduct a trial for the perpetrators.

Rona was silent after hearing his explanation, the look on her face that Rona showed him was not a pleasure, but anxiety. The abnormality shown by his beloved girl eyes made Seokhoon worried.

"What? You don't seem happy about this news?" Seokhoon looked for answers from Rona's facial expressions and body language.

"Of course I'm happy." Rona did answer with a smile, but he knew that it was just a pretence.

"You said I can't lie to you right? But do you realize that you can't lie to me either?" Seokhoon doesn't like this behaviour, which she has recently shown, which is always hiding something from him.

"Rona-ya!" Seokhoon was getting impatient with Rona's silence.

"I'm just scared. I'm afraid something bad will happen instead." Rona answered by giving him a sad look. He was silent and looked at her before he pulled Rona towards him. He hugged her and stroked her hair.

"Don't worry, everything will be okay. They will definitely be caught."

"I'm right, they're here." A male voice startled them both and Rona instantly let go of Seokhoon's embrace. Annoyed, Seokhoon looked in the direction of the voice. A pair of a boy and a girl standing not far from them.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we have to come just when they're like this."

"You're the one who told me to approach them."

"Sure I was, but we can wait for them to finish hugging before we greet them."

"You dragged me along because you said we didn't have time. Why wait for them to finish it first?"

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