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Disclaimer: Penthouse story and characters are not mines. I'm just a big SeokRona fan who still can't move on from them ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Please forgive grammar mistakes and typos. (^_^)



Seokhoon was still at school and for some reason, he was currently in a garbage disposal area behind his school. His teacher Jung Hyungwoo was now beside him. They sat at the top of the steps and from about fifteen minutes ago had a discussion about their findings. Mr Jung, who had provided the CCTV footage of yesterday's incident, now gave Seokhoon footage of the meeting between Byung Kitae and Mr Ma earlier. They agree that the man who attacked Rona was Byung Kitae because of the posture similarity in the two footage. Although they couldn't prove for certain that it was him.

"We just need proof of his beanie hat. Or at least we saw him wearing a beanie hat." Mr Jung said while being agreed by Seokhoon.

Other than that Seokhoon told him about his meeting with Cheon Seoyoung to ask for CCTV footage of both the incident near the gym and during the terror a few days earlier, but the answer he got was instead telling Seokhoon to ask Mr Ma for CCTV footage because he's now in charge of investigating the terror case against Rona. He then went to see Mr Ma and asked him the same thing but the answer was when he asked the security room, the recording was deleted.

"How suspicious." His teacher Mr Jung who was sitting beside him narrowed his eyes.

"Who?" Seokhoon asked his teacher, confused, who he meant by 'suspicious'.


"But at least we know that this was Mr Ma's doing." Seokhoon opened the plastic straw for his favourite chocolate milk.

"Yeah, you're right." If Seokhoon chose his favourite chocolate milk, his teacher opened a can of coffee drinks.

"And agree that Mr Ma didn't do this himself, he must have someone to tell him to." Seokhoon then sipped his chocolate milk.

"We agree on that? Why?" His teacher turned to him.

"Mr Ma does like to act condescendingly on his students so it looks like he is very mean and hates his own students. But he's not that evil to have plans to get rid of his students." Seokhoon answered by looking at the school in front of him.

"I see." Mr Jung drank his cold coffee.

"But I'm also not sure that the directors of Cheon A are behind all this."

"Do you have anyone you suspect?" Seokhoon turned to his teacher after his teacher's question. He sighed as he took another sip of his chocolate milk. While looking ahead he said.

"A lot! It could all be done by people from Cheon Seojin who still want Cheong A so they make plans to overthrow her stepfamily. There is still my father who may still have a grudge against Rona's mother and my mother so he wants to hurt them through Rona."

"So complicated." Seokhoon felt his teacher staring at him and fell silent. Feeling awkward when the teacher stared at him for a long time, Seokhoon turned to his teacher.

"Why?" He asked.

"People like you..."

Seokhoon had expected that his teacher would say or have a pity for him (and Rona) as high school students already experienced a lot. Seokhoon realized that his family history wasn't like a normal story.

"People like you… drink chocolate milk?"

Seokhoon narrowed his eyes with some disbelief at what his teacher had just asked. What kind of question is that? He was about to ask his teacher what was wrong with chocolate milk, but he saw a smile grow on his teacher's face. Somehow he became irritated.

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