Chapter 7- Plan,Arrow. ATTACK pt 2

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Third POV

**At the clone base**

Third POV

Dec's clone stumbled his way  into the base after regaining consciousness from being hit on the back of the head with the metal tip of a shovel.

He groaned as the concussion wrapped around the back of his head at the point where he was hit, the blood had now tried but his hair was still sticky.

He then stumbles past Ant who grabbed him by the arm.

"Dec, man what happend to you?" He asked gently knowing how much pain his best friend must be in.

Dec then sighed before replying; "I dont fully remember since i was knocked out, but i remember that I was hit on the head with a shovel."

Ant's face portrayed both sadness and Anger as he balled his fist before standing on the balcony  overlooking his and Dec's clone army. He growled and gritted his teeth.

"ATTENTION ALL CLONES!!" He yelled as everyone turned their heads to face their leader

"TONIGHT WE DECLARE....WAR!!!!" Ant demanded as the entire based exploaded into sound, aplauding at the case.

Ant then smiled at Dec with an evil grin

"They will be destroyed for good and we will TAKE OVER THE WORLD!"

Everyone was laughing in a evil Sadistic way they have been waiting since forever for the time to strike an actual war, and now its time.


**At the safe house**

At the safe house Dec was gently rubbing his injured wrist, which was now bandaged up he was looking up at Stephen and Bear who had a massive blank sheet of paper up on the drawing white board.

"Soooo~" said Dec holding out the word "What's is this so brilliant plan then?" He asked rasing one eyebrow

"So" said Bear "The plan i had in mind is—" he was then interrupted by Stephen

"Okay then, Rude" Bear snarled with a grin

"Alright so, I've been hiding something from you all, like when I first arrived i was actually running away from the clones." Stephen announced the entire room seemed intrigued as Dec sat on the edge of his seat.

"The reason i was running away is because I had stolen one of their valuable items for their plans to attack us, and I think this item has the power to destroy a main clone which whipes out the lot"

"Wait" Dec interrupted "this object thingy has the power to destroy a main person?" He asked confused

"Exactly Dec, it can destroy people so i think this awesome device can destroy clones if it hits the main one"

Just then Stephen left the room, not for long though he brought it a case and placed it on the table infont of everyone. He then unclasped the latches before opening the case revealing a massive arrow.

"Wow" said Dec he was speechless at the sight "you stole this from them? This is SO COOL!!!"

"Acually, that is pretty cool" Bear said in awe "so Stephen how are we going to uh use it?" He asked "since we have the arrow but we don't have a bow‐"

Then Stephen pulled out the bow and place it on the table next to the arrow. Dec stared in awe at the weapon infont of him before gently picking it up

"Oooo~, oh look at this" he grinned "Can i use it?" He asked before picking the weapon up it was heavy but he was able to handle it.

"Of course you can use it, Dec. Its yours" Stephen replied

Dec squealed in excitement as the looked at the weapon in his hands he never felt so in control of a weapon.

"Oi Stephen" said Mary "what about us?" She asked

"What about us?" Stephen said confused as Mary gave him a really angry look

"US!" She interjects "Dec has a weapon Sure!, but how the bloody hell are we going to attack without OUR weapons!?"

Bear then separated the two from their heated discussions before anything got out of hand.

"Should we check the basement?" Bear asked looking at the rest of the team

"The safe house has a basement?" Dec asked flicking the string on the bow

"Yes" Bear replied "Hopefully if I remember it had a ton of weapons"



"Dec!" Ant exclaimed "can you check our main weapon?"

"Sure thing Anth" Clone Dec replied before running to the spare room which was hidden behind a bookshelf. He then stopped in his tracks as his mouth dropped.

"WHAT!!" He growled fury "ANT GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!!"

just then Ant stormed into the room he looked quite scared. "Dec what's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"Ant the weapon is MISSING" Dec exlaimed  pointing to the empty space which there case with a arrow was.

"ARGHHHH DAMMIT!" Ant growled "OKAY THAT IS IT!!" He hissed running to the balcony

"EVERYONE! USE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE WE CAN NOT BE DEFEATED!" Ant ordered the army for the last time.

Dec stood in awe at the demand before bringing Ant into a hug; "I swear to god, promise me you wont get yourself hurt"

"Dec i promise on our life I won't get hurt"


"I promise"


Dec's POV

I watched as the team walked down into the basement, we were all in shock as the room was littered with swords, bows, Spike ball chains ecsectra. I watched how everyone picked out their own assigned weapon.

"Okay!" Bear said breaking the total silence   "how is everyone feeling?"

"I'm actually nervous if you fully think about it" I admit sadly "I confronted them twice and got my butt kicked"

Just then Stephen placed his arms around me "your were on your own, the last two times, you have us."

I sniffed as i whiped my eyes "Yeah, you are right.." I say gently

"Okay" I say again "I'm ready"

**At the clone base**

"ATTACK THE SAFE HOUSE NOW!!" Boomed Dec's clone, as he watched the clone army march their way out of the base. Ant walked over to Dec with a evil grin on his face.

"Ready" he asked

"Ready as I'll ever be!" Clone Dec said before laughing manically followed by Ant's also manic laughter.

This was war....


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