Chapter Thirty Six

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Junak's parents left the next day

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Junak's parents left the next day.

Everyone gathered on the front lawn to bid them goodbye, including Dikhou's family. Dikhou did not know what exactly had changed but something had. His mother was still cold and distant but conversed with Junak's parents and, at one point last night, she was smiling at something Junak was saying. Coming from the woman who had despised that family for years, it was monumental.

"Dikhou." Junak's father was a strange man. In a good way. In the way that Dikhou could understand why he had been best friends with his father. "If you ever need my help with anything, call me."

Dikhou nodded. Last night, that man had sat with Dikhou for over an hour, recounting days from years ago. He told him about his father's childhood days, college days and the days before Dikhou was born. Dikhou lapped it all up, feeling strangely closer to his father. "Thank you, taoi."

"Same goes to the both of you," Junak's father added to Dikhou's sisters who curtly nodded and thanked him. The man then bid goodbye to Dikhou's mother - who formally returned her regards - Junak's friends, Jatin, Priti and then finally turned to his parents.

He touched his mother's feet but not his father's. "Goodbye, Ma. Deuta."

The sorrow on Grandpa's face was stark clear as he weakly nodded. "It was good to see you."

His son looked away. "Take care of your health."

Junak's mother interceded in the tense moment by walking past her husband and touching her in-law's feet. She smiled and thanked them for their hospitality.

"You're not coming with us, Puhor?" his father asked.

"Nah. I've got nothing to do in Guwahati. Plus, they need me for their film." Puhor threw an arm around Junak who made a face and shoved him away.

Dikhou smiled at the sight.

Junak was happy, there, surrounded by his family. Dikhou had been nervous when he called Junak's parents but he was glad he did. His guess had been right - Junak, that adorable little fucker, had trouble communicating. And, he was a drama queen.

Even now, he was pretending to be annoyed but it was a poor attempt. He hugged his mother goodbye and gave an awkward wave to his father.

Junak's father chuckled and placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "Good luck with your film."

"Thanks, Papa."

"And," he glanced at Dikhou, "be good to Dikhou."

Junak went a bright shade of red just as Dikhou pretty much died from embarrassment. He could not believe the man just said that, so casually, out loud in front of everyone. His mother and Junak's grandparents included!

And, as if that wasn't enough, Kopili said, "I wish I get such a cool father-in-law."

"I have a girlfriend already, sorry," Puhor replied and dear god, when had they become so cool so as to have these kinds of conversations in front of their parents?

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