Chapter Six

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Hi there:)
Chloe's P.O.V
*ding dong*(doorbell rings)

Who could that be by this time in the morning?
I ran from my room still in my pajamas,down the stairs and towards the front door. I picked up the keys,open the door and saw....

Tyler!!!!!!!!!! My one and only best friend.

"Good morning,babe." I said with the biggest smile ever.

"Good morning,love." She said in the same manner

"Woah,geez girlfriend,I think you need a break or something." She said while making her way into the living room

"I mean you look like a zombie." She added while sitting on the couch Indian style

"I know babe. I haven't been getting enough sleep lately." I said

"And I swear my pillow could be a hairstylist. I mean I wake up every morning with the weirdest hairdos." I added

"Yes,it is very obvious." She said along with a giggle.

"And I just might know what kind of disease you're suffering from." She stated but with a serious expression

"What kind of disease?" I questioned feeling very uneasy

"I think you're suffering from a lack of vitamin 'me'." She said funnily while pushing a lock of hair behind her ears

I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding. How could I forget 'never to take Tyler Gold seriously She always comes up with the weirdest jokes ever.
Her jokes might be breathtaking sometimes but it never fails to bring a smile to my face. She has really good sense of humor.

And that is one thing I love my best friend for. I was stopped dead in my train of thoughts by Tyler. She just can't seem to shit up.

"You need to fill me up on your activities these days. You hardly tell me anything nowadays." She said

"I know,I know babe. I've been really busy these days and there is a new case on hand. Hopefully It will be solved soon." I said while walking up to her and sitting on the couch

"Is it perhaps concerning the death of the Prime Minister?" She said

I nodded

"I trust you babe. I will you can handle it. I know no case is too big for you. You will solve it in a jiffy." She said assuring me

I felt so confident hearing her say that. You know sometimes you just need a best friend like mine to make your day easier. But too bad for you,I don't share my best friend.

"Thanks babe,I feel so relieved hearing you say that." I said with a smile plastered on my face

Oops,I forget that I haven't had a bath yet nor brushed my teeth. And I was still in my pj's.

"Ummm,I will go and have a shower now babe. I'm really in need of it." I informed her. With that,I ran up the stairs and towards my bedroom.

After I reached my bathroom,I scanned myself in the mirror that was placed above the sink.
Geez,I looked like a pile of trash. I had dark circles around my eyes and my face looked pale like I was sick or something.

But I think I will be back to normal after I hang out with Tyler.
As they say,having fun with a friend is the best therapy.

When I was done with all my morning routines,I jumped into my closet and began to picked my outfit for the day.
I figured the would wear a white crop top along with some blue jeans.
Not forgetting my white Nike sneakers.

When I was done dressing up,I put on some light makeup and slapped my hair into a tight bun.

I reached downstairs in a few minutes and saw Tyler laying on the couch with her phone in her hand. I guessed she was strolling through Instagram or Facebook.

"Babe I'm hungry,I think we should go out for breakfast. We can also chat there as well." I suggested

"I'm pretty hungry as well. I think it's a good idea. Moreover,if you try to cook,either you will chop off your fingers or set the house ablaze." She mocked

I gave her a death glare and she raised her hands above her head playfully. Actually,she wasn't lying.
I knew nothing about cooking. I only know how to make cereal which is very easy.

"Enough of teasing me now. Let's get going." I said

Hello friends:) Hope you enjoy this one. Pls do vote and comment
Also follow me on Instagram@desire.saygarn

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