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(⚠️Not sure if it needs a warning but deals with light being a teen mom & body image⚠️)

It's been 4 monthes since we wrapped up X-Men appocolypes. We were now on the interviews trail. I was standing next to tye getting miced up. I was wearing a simple button up shirt(which I stole from tye), black jeans, bomber jacket, and vans. Tye had on pretty much the same outfit but with adidas instead of vans. We were put into pairs but this particular interview was a one on one interview.

"I hope the interview goes well baby."

"Thank you honey."

"Good luck mommy."

"Thank you Emma, now please behave. That goes for you too tye."

I then walked into the interview with Tye and Emma laughing behind me in the rest area. I saw there was a camera, few lighting Stans with lights, and two chairs with one of them being occupied by the interviewer.

"Hey welcome in Y/N. Now the interview is starting in 10 seconds."

"Oh ok."

After the ten seconds the interviewer started.

"Hi I'm here with Y/N  Issac who plays Jean Gray from the up-coming X-Men appocolypes movie. So Y/N what has been the best moment on set for you?"

"Well it has to be filming scenes with the others and also working with my boyfriend tye."

"Oh yea you and Tye sheridan are an item now. How is it?"

"The relationship is amazing, I couldn't have asked for a better partner for me or my little daughter Emma."

"So you have a daughter Emma how old is she?"

I was slowly noticing the interview was heading towards more of my personal life. Which I'm fine with but not on a press junction. So I was hesitant to answer.

"Um she turned 4 years old a few months ago."

"Oh so you're a teen mom, what did you parents say when they found out."

"Um..... Well my dad, Oscar Issac, and my mom helped me a lot through it."

"So what message do you want to send to other girls who are teen moms who do or do not grow up in the public eye?"

"Uh..... I'd say just make sure you have a good support system who ever you are. Along with being sure you're making the right choice for you now. But right now I would much appreciate it if we started talking more about the film instead of how I was a teen mom."

"Oh yes, of course. So how did you prepare for the role of Jean?"

"Well I made sure to read the comic books. I also made sure I was in good physical condition for a person that reads minds and spends her days at the mansion."

"Speaking of physical condition, how do you feel about being part of this universe and not looking like past actors who played Jean?"

I was shocked by this interviewer who asked that Absurd question.

"I'm sorry but what do you mean by that?"

"I mean past actresses had slimmer thighs while you have a little bit thicker thighs."

"I'm sorry about that, but in the world we live in know every body type is beautiful and I'm proud of how I look. I honestly don't like the fact that some people think every body should look the same. Also this interview is over."

I began to storm out but before I do, I gave them a piece of my mind.

"Also don't post this interview anywhere because I don't want my daughter a few years from now watching it thinking she's not good enough because of the way her thighs look."

And with that I walked out and into the arms of Evan, my dad, and Tye. They must of noticed my angry walk when I walked out of the interview. Tye was the first to speak

"Hey baby, honey what's wrong."

"Yea Y/N/N what's up?" Evan piped in.

"Is Emma around?"

"No she's with your mother. What's up?" my dad spoke up.

"That interviewer is a fucking asshole."

"What happened?"

"At first he asked me some kind of personal questions. Like about Emma and me being a teen mom. Then he asked how I felt about playing the character that has been played by other actresses with slimmer thighs."

I then started sobbing into Tye's shoulder. He put his arms around my waist and started whispering complements. Then I felt a pair of small arms wrap around my legs. I looked down to see Emma.

"Mommy, why are you crying?"

"Oh mommy just had a bad interview that's all."

"Ok mommy."

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